Star Fox Adventures – Gamecube

Star Fox Adventures - Platform: Gamecube

Cheat mode:
In the shop and several other places around Dinosaur 
Plant are wells that ask you to feed them Scarabs. 
Feed them twenty Scarabs and you will get a Cheat Token. 
Go to the Warp Stone Guardian (the large stone guardian) 
and enter the maze. It will take some wandering before 
you find a well inside. Open your inventory, highlight 
a Cheat Token, then press A. This will unlock a cheat 
or give you a hint. To activate the cheats, save the 
game, return to the main menu, and select "Options".

Avoid Damage from Falls:
Press X as you're about to hit the ground. You should 
roll and not take damage. 

All maps cheaper:
Go to the store and purchase each map. He will tell you 
how much they are, but sometimes you can lower the price 
and get them for less along with the rest of the items 
he sells. 

Free Bomb Spores:
Find a full grown Bomb Spore shoot it with the staff's 
fire power-up to get three Bomb Spore Seeds.

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