Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy – Gamecube

Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy - Platform: Gamecube

Video of the Making of Sphinx: 
Start a new game and get the sword in the first level 

Defeat Set:
When facing Set (the God Of Darkness), dodge his flame thrower attack 
and his killer robots (which cannot be destroyed). Then, double jump 
past the energy walls. Next, hit the red ball on Set's forehead. 
When he goes into the lava, stand on the circular platforms around 
the battle arena. While Set is in the lava he shoots out tiny 
fireballs which explode into waves of fire. Dodge them by double 
jumping over the waves. Repeat the process until he is defeated. 

Note: the second, third, fourth, fifth and sixth time, he also he 
shoots out balls which turn into lava puddles which stick to the 
floor for a minute. After you defeat Set, the ending sequence will 

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