Serious Sam – Next Encounter – Gamecube

Serious Sam - Next Encounter - Platform: Gamecube

Bonus levels:
Successfully complete the game with the indicated number of "Gold" 
ranks to unlock the bonus level. 
To access them, press X at the level selection screen to display 
the "Lost Levels" level selection screen.

Ancient Rome       - Praetorian Camp: 3 "Gold" ranks
Ancient Rome       - The Forum Romanum: 5 "Gold" ranks
Ancient Rome       - The Forum of Trajan: 7 "Gold" ranks
Ancient Rome       - Addressing the Senate: 9 "Gold" ranks
Ancient Rome       - Caesar's Sanctum: 12 "Gold" ranks
Feudal China       - The Silk Road: 15 "Gold" ranks
Feudal China       - The Gate of Supreme Harmony: 18 "Gold" ranks
Legendary Atlantis - The Steam Tower: 22 "Gold" ranks
Legendary Atlantis - The Geothermal Tunnels: 24 "Gold" ranks
Legendary Atlantis - The Corridors of Power: 26 "Gold" ranks
The Gallery: 31 "Gold" ranks

All weapons:
Successfully complete the game with 33 "Gold" ranks.

Stuck in corner:
On the second level, enter the room with the shotgun in it and two cases 
of ammunition. Once you enter through the door, look to the left. 
You should see a pole a short distance away from you. Go to it and go to 
the other side. Note: Do not go behind; go in front of it. Then, look 
towards the corner. You should see a shadow. Jump into it, then look 
towards the pole and back up slightly. You should now be stuck. 
The only way you can get out is to wait a short time.

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