Quake III Arena – Dreamcast

Quake III Arena - Platform: Dreamcast

Cheat mode
Successfully complete the game on any difficulty 
setting to unlock a maze mini-game on the VMU. 
Successfully complete the maze-mini game to unlock 
a cheat on the cheat menu. To access the cheat menu, 
pause the game and choose the "Settings" selection, 
then scroll down past the "Internet" selection and 
choose the "Cheats" selection. Depending on what 
difficulty the game was completed on will depend on 
what cheat was unlocked. Complete the game on different 
difficulty settings to unlock different cheats.

Console codes
Note: The following codes require a Dreamcast Keyboard. 
While playing a game, press ~ to display the console 
screen. Then, enter one of the following commands to 
activate the corresponding result:

Result                                        Code 
Clear console line                           /clear 
Display console commnands                    /help 
Display player list                          /who 
Send message to all players                  /say 
Send message to indicated player             /say[1-4] 
Send message to player that is attacking you /tell_attacker 
Send message to player that is targeted      /tell_target 
Send message to your team in team modes      /say_team 

The following codes require a Dreamcast Keyboard. 
While playing a game, press ~ to display the console 
screen. Then type in ;raster 1 followed by ;cl_cheats. 
Now the codes will work 
;god - god mode 
;noclip - fly
After typing ;raster 1 press any key followed by the 
(tab) key this will desplay all console variables

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