Portal – Still Alive – XBox 360

Portal - Still Alive - Platform: XBox 360

Unlock Gamer Picture:
In the main game when you reach the end of test chamber 17 incinerate your 
companion cube to unlock a gamer picture.

Unlock Bonus Gamerpics:
When you have completed the game 2 Gamerpics will become available options. 
The 2 gamerpics are of Companion Cube with wings and a knife cutting a cake.

Cheat Mode:
Enter the following codes during gameplay to activate their corresponding effect.

Create Box:
Down, B, A, B, Y, Down, B, A, B, Y.

Fire Energy Ball:
Press Up, Y, Y, X, X, A, A, B, B, Up.

Fire Rocket Projectile:
Press Up, Y, Y, B, B, A, A, X, X, Up.

Portal Placement Anywhere:
Press Y, A, B, A, B, Y, Y, A, Left, Right.

Portalgun ID 0:
Press Up, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Y, Y.

Portalgun ID 1:
Press Up, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, X, X.

Portalgun ID 2:
Press Up, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, A, A.

Portalgun ID 3:
Press Up, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, B, B.

Upgrade Portalgun:
Press X, B, LB, RB, Left, Right, LB, RB, LT, RT.

Surface all smooth:
This cheat is to place portals anywhere! Y,A,B,A,B,Y,A Left on D-pad then right on D-pad

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