Pirates of the Caribbean – Black Pearl – DVD

Pirates of the Caribbean - Black Pearl - Platform: DVD

Three extras on disc two:
1: Go to "Fly on the Set" section. Place arrow next to the "Play All" option, and 
press the direction button to the right twice. The monkeys right tooth will highlight, 
select it. Just press your select button and there is a time lapse of the contruction 
on the pirate cave.

2: Go to "Below Deck" section. Place arrow next to the "Set Sail" option, and press 
your direction button to the left twice. The skull in the coin will highlight, select 
it. There is a computer animated storyboard of the ship chase between Barbosa and Will.

3: Go to the "Moonlight Serenade' section. Place arrow next to the Main Menu option and 
press the direction button down twice. The skeleton tooth will highlight, select it. 
There is a cool interview with Keith Richards (Rolling Stones) about how he felt about 
Johnny Depp using him as his influence for the Jack Sparrow character.

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