NFL Street 2 – XBox

NFL Street 2 - Platform: XBox

Unlock AFC North All-Stars:
Enter NAOFRCTH as a code at the team selection screen. 

Unlock AFC South All-Stars:
Enter SAOFUCTH as a code at the team selection screen. 

Unlock AFC West All-Stars:
Enter WAEFSCT as a code at the team selection screen. 

Unlock AFC East All-Stars:
Enter EAASFSCT as a code at the team selection screen. 

Unlock NFC West All-Stars:
Enter ENASFSCT as a code at the team selection screen. 

Unlock Team Reebok:
Enter Reebok as a code. 

No Fumble Mode:
Enter Gluehands as a code.
No First Downs:
For no first downs enter: Nochains.

Unlimited Development Points in NFL Challenge:
In NFL Challenge play one of the "gold metal" challenges. The best one for this 
is the "Coming Through" challenge. This calls for 1-3 sacks in one drive. If you 
get 1 sack you get 1,105 development points, 2 sacks get you 1,233 development 
points, and 3 sacks get you 1,360. This challenge takes five days. If you get 
the gold it congradulates you, saves, and marks the challenge as done. If you 
get the silver or bronze it asks if you want to try again or exit. If you choose 
exit it just gives you the corresponding points. If you choose trr again it restarts 
the challenge, but for some reason keeps the points. If you choose exit you will not 
be able to return to this challenge. If you keep getting silver or bronze (each time 
takes about a minute) you will keep getting more and more development points. 
You can do this as many times as you want just don't get gold or you will not be 
able to do it again. The best thing is that if you press try again it doesn't cost 
any extra days.

Wall juke:
While running alongside a wall press L + B and you will juke off the wall.

Run on wall:
Press L + X by a wall and your player will run on it.

Easy interceptions:
First, play Jump Ball Battle a lot to get some practice at being able to jump at 
the correct time. Then, on a real game, when the QB lofts the ball up, use the skills 
you acquired from Jump Ball Battle to get the easy interception.

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