MVP 06 NCAA Baseball – XBox

MVP 06 NCAA Baseball - Platform: XBox

All level 1 challenge items:
Enter "Peter Trenouth" as a created player name in Dynasty mode to unlock all 
level 1 challenge items. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear the 
sound of a bell.

All level 2 challenge items:
Enter "Trey Smith" as a created player name in Dynasty mode to unlock all level 
2 challenge items. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear the sound of 
a bell.

All challenge items:
Enter "Dee Jay Randall" as a created player name in Dynasty mode to unlock all 
challenge items.

Perfect dynasty mode team:
To have a perfect team in Dynasty mode, go to the create/edit player screen. 
Then, select "Edit" and put one or more players for each position at perfect 
stats. Next, make them freshman. Every year, change that player to a freshman 
and you will have a perfect team.

Use the following trick if you are having a hard time hitting homeruns with the 
Analog hitting system. It seems to work better if you do not use L and White. 
Try to time the pitches. Start loading your swing with the Right Analog-stick 
when the pitcher is at full extension. If you make good contact, it will fly 
without the power swing. Only use L and R when you need a sacrifice fly or to do 
a hit and run. It is all about timing. Also, the Left Analog-stick is not used 
when trying to hit the ball.

Using the Right Analog-stick to throw is easy after you become used to it. The R 
"hustle" helps your outfielders run faster.

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