Metroid Prime – Hunters – Nintendo DS

Metroid Prime - Hunters - Platform: Nintendo DS

Submitted by: jango

Go to multiplayer choose multicardplay select create a match then choose deathmatch choose 
headshot for the arena play as Sylux tap add bot then start the match when the match 
starts change to your alternate form and rapidly press l and you will start to fly.

Video (demo version):
Complete all of the training courses and get at least in fifth place on the leader 
board on all the training courses. Once you complete the last one, the "Play Video" 
option will be unlocked on the touch screen. Touch it to se a short video of Samus 
discovering some enemies followed by a URL, After you watch 
it once, you can watch it again by touching a small red dot at the bottom right of 
the main screen.

When playing "Survival" mode, you do not score until you miss an enemy. Your score 
at that point will be the square of the number of enemies killed since you missed 
last, plus your current score, if you haven't missed yet your current score will be 
zero of course. Score = Kills x Kills + Current Score.

The scoring method in "Regulator" is similar, but multiplied by 10. Score = Kills x 
(Kills x 10) + Current Score. Once again, if you have not missed in the round, your 
score will be 0 until you miss. 

In "Morphball" the scoring is the same as in "Regulator" but with the ball power ups 
as the objective instead of kills. Score = Balls x Balls + Current score -from Norman

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