Kessen 2 – Playstation 2

Kessen 2 - Platform: Playstation 2

Select side
Successfully complete the game with the Lui Bei or Cao Cao. Select "New
Game" and
you will be able to choose which side to be played.

Hidden battles
After you finish the game as Liu Bei to unlock Cao Cao's side, notice that
the difficulty
level is set at normal instead of beginner (when you played as Liu Bei).
complete the game as Cao Cao under the normal difficulty setting to unlock
expert level.
Select either Liu Bei or Cao Cao at the expert difficulty setting. Complete
the game under
expert difficulty setting to unlock a hidden battle for each side. As Liu
Bei, the hidden battle
is The Battle of East Lau. As Cao Cao, the hidden battle is The Battle of
Chang Zheng.

Play With Either Side
To gain the ability to play as either the Cao Cao or Lui Bei forces, simply
finish the game.
Then, at the main title screen, you will have the option to select either
side when you choose
New Game.

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