High Heat Major League Baseball 2002 – Playstation 2

High Heat Major League Baseball 2002 - Platform: Playstation 2

Hold R1 + L1 + R2 + L2 after your batter is beaned and he will taunt the
While continuing to hold those buttons, hold X to will charge the pitcher
and start a fight. Your player will be ejected.

Extra Powerful hits
As the pitch is coming to you hit R2. Then your guy will either cock his
foot, rub the home plate with the bat, or rub the bat with his hands. 
Then if you hit the pitch it will either be a home run or it will hit the 
wall. But you have to put this code in before every pitch in order for it 
to work

Charge the mound
When your batter gets hit by a pitch, hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and the batter
will start to walk towards the mound and gesture with his hands. Continue  
to hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and press X for the batter to charge the mound 
and for all players on both teams to come out and fight.
Note: After the fight has ended your batter will be ejected for fighting

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