Game and Watch Gallery 4 – Gameboy Advance

Game and Watch Gallery 4 - Platform: Gameboy Advance

Delete saved data:
Push Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Left, Right, Right in the title screen. 

Gallery Corner Museum:
You will need 60 Stars to unlock the nine titles for display only (not 
gameplay). They are, in order of appearance - Manhole, Tropical Fish, 
Mario's Bombs Away, Parachute, Bombsweeper, Climber, Safebuster, Lifeboat, 

Five extra games:
As you gain more Stars, you can unlock Chef, Mario Bros., Donkey Kong, 
Octopus, and Fire Attack (in that order) for classic and modern game play. 

Star features:
The more stars you gain, the more features you will unlock. Note - Museum 
games are classic play only. You do not earn any Stars for the games in 
the museum.

5 - Chef
10 - Manhole (View only)
15 - Tropical Fish (View)
20 - Mario Bros.
25 - Mario's Bombs Away (View)
30 - Parachute (View)
35 - Donkey Kong
40 - Bombsweeper (View)
45 - Climber (View)
50 - Octopus
55 - Lifeboat (View)
60 - Zelda (View)
65 - Fire Attack
70 - G&W History (Gallery Corner Feature)
80 - Manhole (Classic Play)
90 - Tropical Fish (Play)
100 - Mario's Bombs Away (Play)
110 - Parachute (Play)
120 - Bombsweeper (Play)
130 - Climber (Play)
140 - Safebuster (Play)
150 - Lifeboat (Play)
160 - Zelda (Play) 

More difficult star mode:
By getting 1,000 points in modern mode you can unlock the more difficult
star mode. 

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