Devil May Cry 2 – Playstation 1

Devil May Cry 2 - Platform: Playstation 1

Dante's Diesel bonus level and costume:
Play Dante's mission 1, then save the game. Reset the PlayStation2 and wait for 
the "Press Start button" message to re-appear. Press L3, R3, L1, R1, L2, R2, L3, R3
. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Press Start to return to the main menu. 
Choose the "Load game" option, press L1 or R1 to access the new costume, then load 
a game to play the bonus level.

Alternate Custome For Dante:
To unlock Dante's secret custome, simply beat the game with Dante. 

Alternate Custome For Lucia:
To unlock Lucia's secret custome, simply beat the game with Lucia. 

Bloody Palace:
To unlock Bloody Palace, simply beat the game with both characters. 

Lucia/Dante Must Die Mode:
To unlock Lcuia/Dante Must Die Mode, You must beat Dante and Lucia's Hard Mode. 

Lucia's Secret Custome 2:
To unlock Lucia's second secret custome, simply beat Lucia's Hard Mode. 

Unlock Trish From Devil May Cry:
To unlock Trish from Devil May Cry in Devil May Cry 2, simply beat Dante's Hard Mode. 

Defeating the "Three Heads":
When you enter a certain room, you will get transported to another dimension. 
Three heads will attack you at different times. Keep dodging the things that 
they fire at you. When they get close, before they attack, use the most powerful 
sword you have. Do this to get your Devil Trigger up, but do not use it until the 
heads join up. Then, either use the throwing daggers or the handguns. Repeat until 
they are defeated. Note: When the ice head uses its main attack which fires huge 
ice pillars at you, you cannot attack the heads until you have destroyed the pillars.

Defeating the Infested Tanks:
Have Lucia jump on to the tank. Note: Make sure you have your handguns on. Jump once 
then fire. Before you land, jump again and fire. When you defeat the first one, do it 
again. Note: Watch your back, as the other ones might fire a missle. There are three 
of them.

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