Descent 2 – Playstation 1

Descent 2 - Platform: Playstation 1

Submitted by: Jeanette Hill

Cheat Mode
Enter the following information in the keys
section to activate the corresponding cheat.

Weapons, Energy & Shields
S, T, O, S, T, S, X, S, O, T, S, X

As above + Keys & Level Select
T, S, O, X, T, S, T, X, T, S, X, O

All Keys
S, T, X, T, O, T, X, T, X, T, S, X

Toggle Invincibility
T, X, T, O, X, T, S, X, T, X, O, T

Full Shields
T, X, O, S, S, X, O, T, S, X, O, S

Toggle Cloak
X, T, O, S, O, T, S, X, T, X, T, O

All Accessories
S, T, O, X, X, T, S, X, O, S, O, X

T, S, O, X, S, X, O, S, T, O, X, X

Extra Life
T, X, S, O, T, X, S, X, O, X, T, O

Toggle 'Go Wingnut' Mode
T, S, O, T, X, S, T, O, S, T, X, O

Fast Robots That Fire Slowly
T, X, S, S, T, O, S, X, O, S, T, O

T, X, O, T, S, O, X, T, X, T, O, X

Acid Mode
S, T, O, S, T, S, X, T, X, T, O, X

Hello Minnie Mode
X, O, X, O, X, O, X, O, X, O, X, O

Game Shark Codes: 
Submitted by:Dave Benzschawel

Infinite Lasers 800E92FE 0064 
Infinite Energy 800E9302 0064 
Infinite Concussion Missiles 800E9328 0063 
Infinite Homing Missiles 800E932A 0063 
Infinite Proximity Bombs 800E932C 0063 
Infinite Short Missiles 800E932E 0063 
Infinite Mega Missiles 800E9330 0063 
Infinite Flash Missiles 800E9332 0063 
Infinite Guided Missiles 800E9334 0063 
Infinite Smart-Bombs 800E9336 0063 
Infinite Mercury Missiles 800E9338 0063 
Infinite Earth Shakers 800E933A 0063 
Infinite Lives 800E9304 0109 
Have All Primary Weapons 800E930C FFFF 
Have All Secondary Weapons 800E9310 FFFF 
Infinite Vulcan & Gauss Ammo 800E9316 0063 
Have Level 5 Laser 800E9306 0404 
Have Earth Shakers 800E933A 0063
800F8668 0009 

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