Blacklight – Tango Down – Playstation 3

Blacklight - Tango Down - Platform: Playstation 3

Weapon tags:
At the main menu, select "Help + Options", and choose the "Unlock Code"
selection. Then, enter one of the following case-sensitive codes to
activate the corresponding weapon tag to use through the "Armory Weapon
Customization" option. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear
a bell followed by a woman screaming.

Result                        Code
Alienware black dog tags      Alienwarec8pestU
Alienware symbol              Al13nwa4re5acasE
AMD VISION square tag (blue)  4MDB4quprex
AMD VISION square tag (red)   AMD3afrUnap
ATi square tag                AT1hAqup7Su
Blacklight and crossed swords R41nB0wu7p3
Blacklight logo chip          Ch1pBLuS9PR
E3 dog tags                   E3F6crAS5u
Famitsu Magazine dog tag      Fam1tsuprusWe2e
Jace Hall Show logo           J4ceH4llstuFaCh4
Orange Scorpion logo chip     Ch1pMMRSc0rp
Order logo chip               Ch1p0RD3Ru02
Pink brass knuckles           H4rtBr34kerio4u
Razer logo                    R4z3erzu8habuC
Upper Playground logo         UPGr0undv2FUDame
Upper Playground logo         UPGr0undWupraf4u
UTV Lightning logo chip       Ch1p1GN1u0S
Yellow teddy bear             Denek1Ju3aceH7
Zombie Studios logo chip      Ch1pZ0MB1Et7
Australian flag               AUS9eT5edru
Austrian flag                 AUTF6crAS5u
Belgium flag                  BELS7utHAsP
Canadian flag                 CANfeprUtr5
Danish flag	                  DENdathe8HU
Finnish flag                  FINw3uthEfe
French flag                   FRApRUyUT4a
German flag                   GERtRE4a4eS
Hong Kong flag                HOKYeQuKuw3
Indian flag                   INDs4u8RApr
Irish flag                    IRE8ruGejec
Italian flag                  ITAQ7Swu9re
Japanese flag                 JPNj7fazebR
Korean flag	                  KORpaphA9uK
Mexican flag                  MEX5Usw2YAd
New Zealand flag              NZLxut32eSA
Norwegian flag                NOR3Waga8wa
Portuguese flag               PORQ54aFrEY
Russian flag                  RUS7rusteXe
Singaporean flag              SINvuS8E2aC
Swedish flag                  SWEt2aPHutr
Swiss flag                    SWIsTE8tafU
Taiwanese flag                TAW8udukUP2
United Kingdom flag           UKv4D3phed
United States flag            USAM3spudre

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