Alien: Isolation – Playstation 4

Alien: Isolation - Platform: Playstation 4

General Tips:
Sound is huge in this game. Make sure you have the TV cranked up or headphones on so you can 
listen to the Alien, just as it listens for you.
Never run. Ever. The Alien hears louder footsteps, so running is almost always suicide.
Avoid fighting other enemies. The Alien isn't the only threat in the game, but stealth is your 
best approach even against other humans and androids.
Watch out for the Alien drool  that means it's in a vent above you. Walking under the Alien 
guarantees death.
The flamethrower and molotov are two of the only items/weapons that work against the Alien. 
Burning the Alien can often save you from instant death, as it runs away from the fire.

Alien: Isolation is very much a trial-and-error kind of game. The Alien will often find you, 
so it's about adjusting on the fly and doing your best to move quietly at any given moment. 
Don't feel too bad if you die a lot in the process.
Craft items often. You don't want to be holding onto materials for a long time, otherwise 
it's just a waste.
Two simple words: save often.

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