Yu-Gi-Oh! Power Of Chaos - Kaiba the Revenge Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon: -------------------------- Get at lest 2 mystical sheep and kajezin and also monster reborn. Then summon kajezin and wait till he summons BEWD and when he attack kajezin uses kajezin effect against his BEWD that is make its attack into 0 and it will be destroy. Then use monster reborn and wait till you get polymezeration and 2 mystical sheep. Don't summon it but activate polymeziration and ta da, you get to use BEUD. Opponent's trap card: --------------------- There is one cheat to find out if there is a Spellbinding Circle or Two Pronged Attack trap card in your opponent's field or not and YOU can also activate it at once. First, there must be one or more card set (on reverse position of course) on your opponent's Spell and Trap Card Zone. Second, place one or more trap card(s) on your own field (it has to be monster affecting trap card such as Waboku/Trap Hole/etc, not spell affecting trap card like Anti Raigeki). Last, place one or more monster on your own field. Now, for the cheat. Once your opponent set or summon a monster on his field, you will be prompted a question: "Your opponent set/summoned a monster. Do you wish to activate a quick play spell or trap card?" Even if you don't want to activate it, just answer Yes for now. Rather than activating your trap card, hover your mouse on opponent's reversed trap/spell card. If there is a Spellbinding Circle or more on his field, you will see the word "Activate!" pop out when you hover it. AND, even though it's your opponent's Spellbinding Circle, you CAN activate it if you wish. Just left click it and your opponent will bind one of your monster. You can do this for the reason of you wanted to summon a tribute monster but you don't want it to be destroyed if so happens the trap card your opponent put was a Trap Hole, so if your opponent only had one trap card on his Spell and Trap Card Zone and it's Spellbinding Circle that bind one of your monster once you activated it, you can just use the monster it bind as tribute. If you don't want to activate it, just push the Esc button on your keyboard or the right click on your mouse to cancel.