Women's Murder Club - Death In Scarlet Investigation 3 Brown Bottles: ------------------------------- Submitted by: RM * 4th minus 3rd bottles = - 21 * 3rd minus 5th bottles = 10 * 1st minus 4th bottles = 14 * 2nd minus 1st bottles = 4 * 5th minus 2nd bottles = -7 * Bottles 22, 1, 19, 12 & 15 * 22 12 = 10 therefore Bottle 3 is 22 and Bottle 5 is 12 * if Bottle 5 is #12 then 12 x = -7 * 12 19 = -7 therefore Bottle 2 is 19 * if Bottle 2 is #19 then 19 x = 4 * 19 15 = 4 therefore Bottle 1 is 15 leaving only one number that could be Bottle 4 Chronicle Office.