War for the Overworld: My Pet Dungeon Cheat Codes: ------------ Submitted by: David K. To access cheat codes you need to open the console. To open the console press the Scroll Lock button on you keyboard, also known as Scr Lck. When the window pops up everything you write will come as text in the box. Do not panic if you cannot play anymore, just simply press the same button you used to open it, Scroll Lock. To access the cheat codes simply type GreatStuff in the console. -=Code list=- Note: If you dont want to do Shift + Tab to see this all the time, you can simply write /? after enabling it. List of commands: ----------------- Close Clear sys SpawnUnit SpawnRoom SpellRoom SpellTile Spell SpawnFlag ToggleMightyQuest BuildTrap SpawnTrap SpellTrap AddSin CreatePotion CompletePotions CompleteRituals Upgrade AddGold RemoveGold AddMana MaxMana InfiniteMana InfiniteGold ChangeTeam UpgradeRoom UnlockCampiagn ResetCampaign ResetSteam SpawnArtefact DisplayCameraDepth SetCameraFov ExportAllEvents CheckStayAWhileAndListen Save Load ResetSaveFiles DeleteSave Create Export DataImport Settings Heat SetPlayerMSpeed SetPlayerRSpeed SettDampening SetrDampening SetFov ToggleParticle UnScaledCamera ToggleGo ToggleDebugSelect ZoomTo CampaignTrailerMode CampaignProgress CampaignDowngrade ListMaterialCacheSize AiPlayerActivate AiPlayerDeactivate Alliance