Viscera Cleanup Detail Cheat Codes: ------------ Submitted by: David K. To activate the console, press the tilde ~ ( located above [TAB]) and type one of following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function. Code Effect --------------------------------------------------------------------------- God - Makes you invincible. (Example: Guns on Revolutionary Robotics will shoot at, but not kill you.) AllWeapons - Gives you the Mop, Sniffer, and Laser Welder. (Currently this method causes the world model of the Laser Welder to glitch and become invisible, but it still functions as normal.) AllAmmo - Ammo Fly - Allows you to fly, but respects collision boundaries. Walk disables it. Ghost - Allows you to fly and clip through walls. Walk disables it. Jump - Makes the player jump. KillNearestMess - Removes/deletes the closest splatter, giblet, body part, bullet hole, scar, and any other object considered to be a mess. Useful as a debug tool when the Sniffer pings something the player cant seem to reach. KillNearestNonMess - Removes/deletes the closest crate, barrel, clean disposal bin or bucket, tools lying around (broom, laser welder), and any other movable object that is not considered a mess by the Sniffer. Show Fog - Toggles the display of fog. Suicide - Kills the player. Summon [Class] - Spawns objects by class (eg: summon VisceraGameContent.VCDebris_Dynamite). Teleport - Moves the player to wherever the player is looking (crosshairs). Steam achievements: ------------------- Complete the following Tasks to earn the listed achievement. To view your achievements and stats in Steam, select "Community", then search for the game hub that corresponds to [Viscera Cleanup Detail]. Select the "View Stats" drop down option, then choose the option for your username's achievements. Achievement How to unlock ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blaze of Glory - ncinerate 2000 items. Blood Soaked - Spill 100 dirty buckets. Bloody Hell! - Mop up 10,000 splats. Employee of the Month - Get the Employee of the Month reward for your office. Spring Fresh - Clean any map adequately. You're Fired! - Get fired!