Virtual Villagers - A New Home School: ------- The first puzzle is to complete a hut, the second to master the herbs, and the third to get a master scientist. Take them to the building behind the research table and open a school. Hint: ----- Submitted by: vasanth To increase the tech points and food first assign the work to get beery for two persons and bring remaining to the table to make research now press winkey key while playing and get out from the game and change your pc time&date now yourcan see the wonder on your game. Eazy Breeding skizzle: ---------------------- Do the regular breeding technique and when it says goin indoors. Next when it says breeding skill raised.Move eigther of them away then repeat until she has a kid. Hints: ------ Sometimes your villagers will not mate because there isn`t enough housing. Take every possible villager and change them to a builder (on the detail screen) if they are not already builders and your houses will be built much faster. For Me it took about 1 minute for my house to get bigger and more built Berries: -------- To make berries grow, take an adept scientist and study the cactus, then 26 berries will grow. Then go and hit the 2x faster for a bit, then go back to normal speed and you will have a bush full of berries! Doctor: ------- If you want to make a child a doctor, drag a child on a dead villager many times. Sometimes the child runs, so drag many times. Mushrooms: ---------- Hey! If you want to get more mushrooms I have a great tip for you! I`ve tryed this myself and it works! Ok here it is: You find a mushroom, then pause the game. Put all of your little villagers on the same mushroom. Some might not do it. When you unpause they will all pick up the same mushroom. I have 90 children in the game and one time I got ninety mushrooms at the same time! Its a great way to keep your food supply going! Babies: ------- When you want your villagers to have babies, a faster way is that when you hear the kiss sound and your population goes up, then pick up the girl and move her before she goes in the hut... and there you go a baby! She will be holding it already without ever going into the hut! Clothes change: --------------- Push f6 while a villager is selected and their clothes will change, this also works on the golden child, but you cant go back to any previous costume. Getting children to school: --------------------------- After building the school, click on the bongo next to it to have all children of the village to come to the school. Extra food: ----------- You will need at least two kids for this trick. First, find a mushroom. Put one kid next to it then quickly put another next to it to obtain double food. Puzzle Hints: ------------- Update by: bayu cahyana putra Puzzle 1: Drag a builder to the well. Puzzle 2: Construct a new hut. Puzzle 3: Clear the debris from the beach. Puzzle 4: Drag a Master Scientist to the long building north of the research table. Puzzle 5: Get LEVEL 2 of construction and drag builders to the northwest corner of the game. Puzzle 6: Get LEVEL 3 of farming and drag master farmers to the lagoon. Puzzle 7: Get LEVEL 2 of spirituality and drag a person to the northeast corner of the game. Puzzle 8: Drag 4 villagers to 4 vicious plants. Puzzle 9: Complete Puzzle 5 and drag villagers to the southeast corner of the game (where they see dead flowers.) Puzzle 10: Complete puzzle 14. When the butterflies begin to follow the golden child, drag him to the orange plant north of the berry bush. Puzzle 11: Get LEVEL 3 of spirituality and begin draging master builders to the ruins. Puzzle 12: Complete Puzzle 11 and drag builders to the shiny rock. Puzzle 13: Complete Puzzle 12 and Puzzle 5, then drag a nursing mom to the lagoon. Puzzle 14: Drag the Golden child to the garden. Puzzle 15: Drag a master builder to the south of the food bowl. Puzzle 16: Wait for the Golden Child to magically remove the boulder. Making a baby: ---------------- When making a baby you must put a male and a female together and they will go in the hut (this may take some time) and you will be disappointed if they come out with nothing. So instead of waiting for them to come out and see if the female had the baby, just check your population number first, then put the two villagers together and after the kiss sound, check your population again, if it has changed then you will have a new baby after they come out of the hut, but if it hasn't changed that means they will not have a baby. So keep putting them together until you realize your population number has grown. Boulder: -------- The boulder can be opened by first making a golden child by putting a nursing mother into the lagoon and then , after the baby has grown to the age of around 14 - 30, place the child near the boulder . he will soon be able to move it. Mushroom: --------- If you have more then one child when a mushroom pops up, press space to pause the game, then drag all the children onto the mushroom before it disappears. this way you can quickly increase your food. Make babies quicker and easier: ------------------------------- All you have to do is this; first thing you have to make sure their old enough to mate then you drag a female or male it doesnt matter on top of ech other until it makes a kissy noise. then as fast as you can pull them apart after you here that noise! and thats all their is too it. Change of Clothes?: ------------------- Submitted by: Ava If you like the villager but not clothing choice, I have a cheat for you! Press [F6] and you will get a new wardrobe! - But you can't get your first choice Back! Golden Child: ------------- Submitted by: Avrey If you don't have a golden child yet and don't know how to make one, here's how. First, you have to make a new baby. So drag a female to a male or vise versa. Keep doing that until you hear a kissy noise and your population goes up. When the mom comes out of the hut with a baby in her hands, take her and put her into the lagoon.(must be filled with water by getting rid of the rocks that are blocking the water from flowing.) you will find that when the child grows up, he/she is a "golden child". By the way, if you can't remember all this info that we've given you, highlight the info you want and press the Ctrl and the letter "c" button,open your program that lets you type and print(somthing like microsoft word) then press the Ctrl button again and the letter "v" button and the info you highlighted will apear there and you can print it and maybe make a booklet of cheats for your games. Hope this helps! Fishing: -------- Submitted by: Michaela To start your villagers fishing you need to get level 3 of farming and take a master farmer to the lagoon (full of water). The villagers should do it from there. Crops: ------ Submitted by: Amelia First you have to get level 2 of farming and get a master farmer. Drag them onto the patch south of the village. The villagers should discover the crop patch. Your villagers will keep watering it until they grow. The villagers will then harvest the crops. Master Doctor: -------------- Submitted by: Michaela If you need or want a master doctor and arn't getting any sick villagers, get the doctor to keep studying the cactus up north of the village. At the bottom of the screen it should say, This villager improved at healing. The Strange Patch: ------------------ Submitted by: Amelia To water the strange patch on the east of the island, you have to clear the lagoon. Once the lagoon is cleared, get your villagers to get water out of the lagoon and water it. This will take a few turns until beautiful flowers appear. How to start: ------------- A good way to start is to have good farming, breeding, and healing skills and at least one who is a master of that skill. Breeding often is good as well. Looking out for mushrooms is good if you have kids. Last of all, have fun. Research: --------- Submitted by: Kiwi The number of villagers you have at the research table (Middle West of Map) only gives you a little bit more tech points faster, but not that much. Also, the more people you have at the research table, the more crowded it gets, and the more crowded it gets, i have noticed that the villagers at the research table have been less likely to succeed at researching no matter what level of research they are. Although it is good to have a lot of tech points and to have scientists, it is harder to get the tech points and to make the villagers focus. Research: --------- Submitted by: Kiwi I have noticed with my villagers, that the more people you put at the research table (Middle West Of Map) does not necesarilly make you get lots of tech points faster. While having more people at the research table give you somewhat more tech points faster, it only gives you a very little number. I have also noticed that the more people you put there, the more crowded it is, and the more crowded it is, the less likelyhood that your villagers will suceed at researching most of the time. which means, that when you put a villager to the research table that is crowded, the more the villager will walk away and shake their haed and say "uh uh" no matter what level of research you have on the tech board or the level of the person's research such as trainee scientist, adept scientist, or even master scientist. oh and when the villagers walk away, they are most likely to do something else than research such as laundry or eat. So, when they walk away, you should put them back at the table, but no matter how many times you do that, they will not be more likely to keep on researching until the research table becomes more crowded. The Monkey!: ------------ Submitted by: *Gator* When(if) you get the screen that pops up that a monkey tries to steal your food, it HAS to be a child... But when you do, Select the 'Wait for the monkey to do something' (Its something around that angle) But click that then the child becomes an apprentice doctor! Because the child waits for the monkey and it takes a hand full of berries and the child chases it and it falls, The clever monkey then takes a couple of leaves and rubs it on the scratch and flees, The child then gets more healing power becauase the leaves were healing leaves. Puzzle Spoilers: ---------------- Submitted by: vv Puzzle 1 - Get a builder to clean the well. This is the village water supply. Get a villager with building skill, drag them to the well and let them fix it. Puzzle 2 - Build a new hut. Population is maxed out at 7 until you build a new hut. A villager trained in building is required to build new huts. Puzzle 3 - Clean up the beach debris. You need to clean up the debris so the villagers can fish. Drag a villager to the debris and it will start cleaning. Puzzle 4 - Starting a village school. You need a master scientist. Drag them to the long building north of the reasearch table to start a school. Puzzle 5 - Remove the blockage of the creek in the northwest corner of the village. Villagers need level 2 in construction to work on this. Drag a villager to the rock pile blocking the water flow from the creek. When the blockage is cleared, water will flow to the lagoon. This puzzle is the key to solving three more puzzles. Puzzle 6 - You need to complete puzzle #5 first and have a villager with level 3 harvesting. Take a master farmer to the lagoon and they will start hunting fish. This may take awhile. Puzzle 7 - Discover the graveyard (requires Level 2 of Spirituality). When a villagers dies, drag an adult villager to the northeast corner of the island. The villagers will provide a proper burial the pile of bones in village center. After this first burial, villagers will automatically have burial ceremonies for any deceased villager. Puzzle 8 - Discover the medicinal properties of 4 plants. One plant is the cactus near the boulder, one plant is near the lagoon, two are on the east side of the island. Drag a villager to each plant until all four are mastered. Puzzle 9 - You need to complete puzzle #5 first. Drag a villager to the field on the east side of the island (where the dead flowers are). They will water the field with water from the lagoon. Make sure to use a villager with building skill so that the watering continues until the flowers bloom. Puzzle 10 - Solve puzzle #14 first. Wait for the butterflies to follow the golden child, then drag the golden child to the strange plant north of the berry bush where the butterflies will pollinate the plant. Puzzle 11 - Restore the temple at the ruins (requires Level 3 of Construction). Drag a villager to the ruins in the southeast of the island and they will begin restoring the ruins. Puzzle 12 - Requires puzzle #11 complete and Level 3 Spirituality. Drag a builder to the shiny rock on the west side of the village and they will chisel the rock to create an idol. Puzzle 13 - the birth of the golden child (requires Level 3 of Fertility) . This requires puzzle #5, puzzle #12. Drag a nursing mom to the lagoon. Puzzle 14 - Requires puzzle #13. Drag the golden child to the magic flower garden and wait for the butterflies. Puzzle 15 - Buried treasure (requires Level 3 of Construction and Level 3 of Science). Search the sandy areas on the south part of the island between the food bin and the temple. Puzzle 16 - Moving the boulder (requires the golden child). This one just happens on its own when the golden child is ready, you can't force it.