Two Worlds II: Call of the Tenebrae

Two Worlds II: Call of the Tenebrae

Cheat Codes:
While playing, press ` to bring up the console. Type "TwoWorldsCheats 1" (without quotes)
into the console to activate cheat mode. Then type any of the following cheat codes in the
console. Note: Codes are not case-sensitive. 

Code                                Result
god 1                             - Level 100, All Skills, God Mode.
health                            - Full Health
AddGold #                         - Add Gold (# = Amount)
SetGold #                         - Set Gold (# = Amount)
AddSkillPoints #                  - Add Skill Points (# = Amount)
AddParamPoints #                  - Add Param Points (# = Amount)
AddExperiencePoints #             - Add Experience Points (# = Amount)
SetStrength #                     - Set Strength (# = Amount)
ResetFog                          - Reveal Map
ec.dbg levelup                    - Level Up
ec.dbg skills                     - Unlock All Skills
ec.dbg iamcheater                 - Set All Attributes to 1000
ec.dbg levelup10                  - Add 10 Levels
ec.AddObjectToInventory [code][#] - Add Object to Inventory (See List)
Set time of day                   - time [0-255]
eq_boat_01                        - Spawn a boat
horse_[01-04]                     - Spawn a horse
cam.mount.xoff 0                  - Centers the camera on horse
graph.setfastrunspecialefx 0      - Disables motion blur
killhorse                         - Kills horse while riding
hero.move.fastrunspeed X          - Where X is sprint speed X      - Change clicks for max speed on horse your 
                                    horse (lower = fewer clicks)
horse_01 (01-04 for color)        - Spawn a horse
jump2                             - Teleport you to cursor
hero.move.fastrunspeed [number]   - Increase sprint speed
player.invisibleforenemies [0/1]  - Toggle ignored by enemies until you attack
ms.grav [negative number]         - Increase jump height [n]    - Set clicks needed for maximum horse speed
cam.mount.xoff 0                  - Center camera while riding horse
graph.setfastrunspecialefx [0/1]  - Toggle motion blur when running
Time X                            - Time of day, where X is a number between 0 and 255
jump X                            - Warp to a map (where X is map name)
SetGateOverride                   - Open locked gates

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