Treasure Seas Inc.

Treasure Seas Inc.

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by. David K.
Use the arrowkeys to control the submarine, read the ingame hints/instructions carefully.

Surviving Hint:
Submitted by: Dallas

Buy a floodlight and thats all you need. In one of the maps you waste your battery 
so you need to peddal. If you peddal and get eaten by a shark, keep peddaling and 
you should live. Then get all the treasure on the map.

Map and location of items on land:
You must press "A" to get off of the map whether you changed Routes or not.

Nalani Route    - Seaman's Cove, Tabaco Isle, Dolphins Creek.
Maka Koa Route  - Corall Village, Mermaid Bay, Neptunes Island, Seaman's Cove.
Alohi Route     - Corall Village, Whales Home, Turtle Isle, Dolphin's Creek.
Seaman's Cove   - battery pack x2 $8500.
Tobaco Isle     - plating $8000; battery pack $7500.
Dolphins creek  - oxygen $7000,8000.
Corall Village  - Sell seagrass.
Mermaids Bay    - Save.
Neptunes Island - floodlight $7000; oxygen $9000.
Whales Home     - medium propeller $6000; large propeller $8000.
Turtle Isle     - plating $7000.

Locations of treasure maps:
Maka Koa map 1    - Under Corall Village on the left in the dark.
Alohi root map 2  - Near Dolphins creek in the dark, not in the tunnel to 
                    the right.
Nalani root map 3 - Directly below Seaman Cove, Second ledge in the dark.

Submitted by: antony

Dolphins wil show you where the treasure is.If you stop driving he wont tell you 
so follow him.

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