Tomb Raider - Unfinished Business Level skip: ----------- Have Lara walk one step forward (with [Shift]), one step back (with [Shift]), rotate in three full counter-clockwise circles (with [Shift]), and jump forward (with [Alt]). All weapons: ------------ Have Lara walk one step forward (with [Shift]), one step back (with [Shift]), rotate in three full counter-clockwise circles (with [Shift]), and jump back (with [Alt]). Easy rolling: ------------- To roll easily, instead of pressing [End] press the [Up] + [Down]. Return To Egypt: "Fourth" Secret: --------------------------------- In what can be classified as a fourth secret, near the end of the level when you emerge out of the water outside with the fences, after taking out the nearby foes walk right next to a pit of spikes to the corner of the fence. Line up with the corner, then do a roll and you should end up on the other side of the fence. You most likely were not meant to be going out there. If you go too far toward the starfield, you will suddenly drop dead. As to what is actually out there, there are a few more enemies to deal with, and another pond, which actually has more ammunition at the bottom. You can continue going around and head to the mummy statue the back way, and finish the level without the thing dropping down the hole. Cheat Codes: ------------ If you want all weapons, you must do: * (Shift) (keep your finger on it during the sequence) * One step forward * One step back * Three complete turns * Remove your finger from (Shift) * Jump back If you want to skip a level, you must do: * (Shift) (keep your finger on it during the sequence) * One step forward * One step back * Three complete turns * Remove your finger from (Shift) * Jump forward Level Skip: ----------- As you are playing through a level, you can skip to the next level if you walk one step forward, one step backward (you must use the SHIFT key to manage this), then turn around three times counter-clockwise, and finally jump forward. All Weapons & Ammo: ------------------- You can receive all guns with full ammunition if you complete the following process during play: take a step forward, then one backwards (you'll have to hold the SHIFT key to manage it), then turn around three times counter-clockwise, and finally leap backwards.