Tom and Jerry - Fists of Fury Regedit cheat: -------------- Submitted by: Kurnik To entable all charakter, teamplay mode and cheats (in options), Just open registry (regedit) go to: HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareUbiSoft EntertainmentTJPCRC and change the values for: "CAVAIL", "CCOMP", "MAVAIL" to "ffffffff". Thats all!!! Cheats: ------ Submitted by: priyank Cheat - cats what it does- all players can be elected. Cheat: ------ Submitted by: DR-PradeeP Email : PradeePstar111@gmail.com Start game Click on "option" Click on "cheats" Set all cheats ON ..........Play...Njoy... Note: "cheats" option is coming, only after all character unlocked & completed