The Sims House Party Hire a Caterer: --------------- Submitted by: DJ Simo Go to the phone, and go to Services. Click Caterer, and you can hire one. Make sure you have out the punch bowl or the table full of trays and stuff or the caterer can't fill anything. Hire a Dancer: -------------- Submitted by: DJ Simo Just buy the big cake in Misc. and click on it to hire a female, or male exotic dancer. The Mime: --------- Submitted by: DJ Simo Want to see the mime? If you party is lacking entertainment, this guy will show up. The guests don't appreciate his company very well. Naughty Mime: ------------- Submitted by: DJ Simo Watch out, the Mime can steal things. Make sure you put alot of your favorite things away. Mainly, he steals food, but you never know. The Repo Man Comes: ------------------- Submitted by: DJ Simo All you have to do is not check the mail to receive the bills, then you should get this message from the loan department saying to pay the bills and if you don't a guy will appear later on and take something. It might not be the same day. A Big Dinner for Free (requiers cheat): --------------------------------------- Submitted by: DJ Simo Okay wake have a piss, shower and the rest but don't have breakfast order a Caterer and then press (on the keyboard) Shift, Ctrl and C and a little screen will pop up, then type move_objects on and press enter the go to buy mode go to misc. and buy a white table with flowers a big empty dish and some little tray things it doesn't matter where you put it and go back to live mode then wait for the caterer when he comes here he will prepare a meal that could last all day long. Next have your family to have breakfast they'll pull out either a salad and cheese, a fish with green beans and new potatoes, a slice of cake with a candle or a lasagna, then at the end of the day when the caterer is about to charge you go into buy mode and select the caterer and click on the blue bar where it says delete voila he's gone and you've had a days worth of meals for free! Uncensored: ----------- Submitted by: DJ Simo This is a cool cheat to do. First, build the vibrate'o matic bed. Then go to live mode a click on the bed. Click on the action "Vibrate" Then Make a nother person "play in bed". When their both under the covers, Pause the game. Do the "move_objects on" cheat. Then go to build mode. While their still under the covers, remove the bed. You will see them naked. NOTE: You will need two people to do this. Have A HUGE Pool Party!: ------------------------ Submitted by: DJ Simo This is cool. First build a pool. Then do the "move_objects on" cheat. Then get the mailman to come, the Grim Reaper, Paperboy, Genie, your two sims, fireman, police man, gardener, repair man, pizza man, and all the other characters that there are in the game at your house AT THE SAME TIME! Then pick each person up and put them in the pool. Then remove the laders, You'll have a BIG pool party. Note: Eventually they'll disapear. (I dont know why) Large House: ------------ Submitted by: Subir subir88@indiatimes.com Pick up a Family And Move them to a empty ground, one without a house already built on it and buy it. Then go to the to the build mode. Press [CTRL] + [SHIFT] + C and then type in the cheat "move-objects on" and press Enter. Now you can build your house even outside the specified area {The Grid Pattern}. But if you want to place, move or delete objects in the part of the house which is build outside the grid pattern then this cheat should be on. Hint: ----- Submitted by:Steph Milz E-mail: milz@mlode.com When having a party to late(11:00p.m.) a cop will come once and tell you to "quiet down" which means tell your guests to go home. If you do not do this the cop will come back a second time and give you a fine of 200 simoleons. So try to have your party earlier in the day. Also, you can not hide and not answer the door for the cop, because she will just walk in and find you. Cheat Mode: ----------- Submitted by: nightraider Cheat Codes While playing a game, press [Ctrl] + [Shift] + C to display a prompt box in the upper left corner of the screen. Then, enter one of the following codes. Note: Enter [Exclamation point] at the prompt to repeat the last cheat entered. Enter a [Semi-colon] between codes to enter multiple codes at the same time. rosebud - 1000 Simoleons Quick money: ------------ Enable cheat mode and enter rosebud;: as a code. Then hold [Enter] so that "No such cheat" begins to flash. Keep the key held to gain up to 99 million simolians. Enable cheat mode and enter rosebud as a code, then enter !;!;!;!; and so on. Every "!" results in another 1,000 simolians. Enable cheat mode and enter rosebud as a code, then enter !;!;!;!;! and so on. After your last exclamation point, type a semi colon then a colon. The end of your entry should look like !;!;!;!;: Then, hold [Enter]. The "No such cheat" message will flash. Hold [Enter] to quickly get up to 9,999,999 simoleons. Drew Carey: ----------- If you throw a big enough party, Drew Carey will show up to entertain and hang out until it ends. Campfire ghost: --------------- Have a Sim that has a Charisma/Creativity over 6. Light a fire and tell a story. Once in a great while, a campfire ghost will appear and haunt your Sims until the fire goes out. Move any object (even sims): ---------------------------- To move any object press Control, Shift and C all together and enter "move_object on" and you will be able move everything. Naked Sims: ----------- If you want to see ur sim naked simply do this code: 1. Hold ctrl shift and c and a box will appear in the corner. 2. Type in move_objects on 3. Have your sim go in the shower. 4. Go into buy mode and take the shower off ur sim. 5. Now ur sim will be standing there in naked 6. They won't even have censor signs so all you need to do is look and see. Also all the woman have the same sized boobs. A Rockin' Party: ---------------- Want to throw a smashing party? Buy the reclaimed payphone and call throw party to really get the night going, better still you don't need to greet your guests, they let themselves in!! But it costs $1 (Simolean) to make calls... If your party is a flop and the mime will happen to come, don't panic. All you have to do is either delete all doors going outside our you can use the velvet ropes to keep him out. After awile He will give up and go away. Always when throwing a party use the recycled phone to call everyone (but it does cost you a buck), this way the party is more of a bash. If you can throw a large party and everyone is having fun, Drew Carrey will show up. To get money: ------------- Submitted by: Bob Ann Type ctrl + alt + c , then the code typer will pop up after you see it type rosebud; : and then keep pushing enter it will say no such cheat , but you're money is still going up! Cheat: ------ Submitted by: mmbg While in game press "v" this will display your version number and the current date.