The Mighty Quest For Epic Loot Cheat Codes: ------------ Submitted by: David K. Skills: ------- Your character is limited to any four available abilities. Use crowd control and area of effect abilities for best results. You can then largely ignore mobs of weaker enemies while focusing on larger and unique monsters. Defense: -------- Create choke points to set ambushes. For example, place one creature at the end of a thin hallway that opens to a larger area. Then, place groups of other minions out of sight on the sides of the larger space where they can attack anything that enters unaware. Place traps such as gelatinous walls and hamster wheels just before the entrance to prevent ranged classes from killing your ambushers. * Use creatures that will slow your opponent's hero from reaching your vault. Defend-o-trons and Cyclopses with the Tackle skill are recommended. * Use ranged attacks against slow enemies with high health. For example, Headshot Zeke does tremendous damage, but requires some time to fire. * If possible, use side-rooms to confuse your attackers as to which path leads to your vault. Place traps, minions, gold, and life-force mines in them to confuse your attackers. Traps: ------ Drag enemies through their own traps to weaken them. Potions: -------- If you have an excess of gold, spend it on potions if you have the available inventory space for them.