The Great Bathroom Escape What to do: ----------- Submitted by: briannna 1. Pick up the brush. 2. Go right. Pick up toothbrush and denture from the shelf, and dental glue from the medicine cabinet. 3. Go right twice. Pick up suction noozle, open the WC's upper part and take metal plate. Get to WC's left part and take control valve. 4. Go right twice, notice the fly next to the neon lamp on the mirror. Talk to it and notice the spider and the crossed wooden pieces. 5. Go left. Use suction noozle on the spider. 6. Go left twice. Use brush on the crossed wooden pieces 7. Go left and talk to the fly, which will exit the room and give you a metallic thing. Pick it up, notice it is Key part I. 8. Use denture on metal plate, obtain small saw. 9. Use small saw on toothbrush, obtain handle. 10. Use dental glue on handle, stick control valve on it. You now have Key Part II. 11. Combine the two parts of your key, use the key on its hole in the door. 12. You're out...back in the living room?