The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth+ Cheat Codes: ------------ Submitted by: David K. Display the Seed entry prompt at the "Character Select" menu by pressing [Tab]. Then, enter one of the following seed codes to activate the corresponding cheat function. You can remove any codes by pressing Q + E + [Tab] or LB + RB + X on an Xbox controller. Note: Entering a seed code will prevent achievements from being earned. Additionally, some codes may delete your saved game file. Result Seed Code ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Easier game 1337 HAXR Character leaves fecal trail BRWN SNKE Sound effects replaced with farts FART SNDS All enemies have permanently feared FEAR M1NT All items except troll bombs mimic Issacs movement KEEP AWAY Character only visible as brown shadow CAM0 K1DD Enemies only visible as brown shadows CAM0 F0ES Invisible enemies BL1N DEYE Eligible enemies become champions CHAM P10N Concussive enemies that move randomly C0NF ETT1 Reversed controls DRAW KCAB Tarot cards are face down when collected FACE D0WN Enemies become feared randomly FRAI DN0T The lower your health, the slower the music HART BEAT Can destroy rocks NFB8 3WSG Character and tears turn black PTCH BLCK Jumbled in-game text DYSL EX1C CRT display B00B T00B All floors have the basement room tile set BASE MENT 30 minute limit 30M1 N1TS Asocial enemies CLST RPH0 Axis aligned controls AX1S ALGN Big head mode T0PH EAVY Black body PTCH BLCK Camouflage enemies CAM0 F0ES Camouflage EVERYTHING! WH0A WHAT Camouflage player CAM0 K1DD Camouflage stuff CAM0 DR0P Cathode rays! B00B T00B Champion enemies CHAM P10N Charmed enemies C0CK FGHT Christmas CHRS TMAS Confused enemies C0NF ETT1 Cowardice C0WR D1CE Damage on a timer THEG H0ST Dog Mode ALM1 GHTY Enemies respawn C0ME BACK Extra Gore BL00 00DY Health tempo HART BEAT Hopelessly Lost L0ST Infinite Basements BASE MENT Invisible enemies BL1N DEYE Invisible player 1MN0 B0DY Kids co-op mode K1DS M0DE Movement tempo SL0W 4ME2 Mystery cards FACE D0WN Mystery pills MED1 C1NE No HUD KEEP TRAK Pacifism PAC1 F1SM Permanent Darkness DARK NESS Poopy Trail BRWN SNKE Reversed controls DRAW KCAB Scaredy enemies FEAR M1NT Stay out of the Maze PATH F1ND The Blank THEB LANK Total curse Immunity BLCK CNDL Tricky pickups KEEP AWAY Twelve heart damage BRTL B0NS