Terminal Velocity Load the game with: ------------------- Submitted by: Enigma Question Email: tbcat2001@yahoo.com.ar "tv -turbo" (Will increase the speed in a 50%) "tv -hyper" (will increase the speed in a 100%) Cheat: ------ TRIGODS - Invicibility TRISHLD - Restores shields to full TRINEXT - Ends current level TRIHOVR - Game responds with Hover Pad. MANIACS - Afterburner (gives you 960 afterburner units) TRSCOPE - Displays an oscilliscope TRIBURN - Terminal Velocity TRFRAME - Displays a frame counter TRIFIRx - where x is a number between 0 and 9 0 - Invicibility 1 - P.A.C. 2 - I.O.N. 3 - R.T.L. 4 - M.A.M. 5 - S.A.D. 6 - S.W.T. 7 - D.A.M. 8 - Afterburner 9 - Invisibility 3DREALM - Game replys with Smokin'. This is a catch-all type cheat. It combines the MANIACS cheat with all the weapons.