Stone Age Sam 2 - The Ice Age Flash Game Hints: ----------------- Submitted by: kil u first * Press on the tree then animals come by click on top of the tree there a bear comes and passes then get off the tree and press on the flowers the rope is swingig click on the top of the tree click on the kid and go to the familiy press on the edge of the mountain then u see a vine press on it and go back click on the rock and u get it then pick up the stick and press on the tree and it wil fall there u clear the level. Hotspot: -------- Click on family, man will go back to them.then click just below them, its a hotspot...the family will go down.then click on other hotspots (where thers no snow) to make them go forward. Hints: ------ When you and the beast are standing on different points, aim at the beast's leg (after picking up the green apple), you should now see a hot spot and can throw the apple at him. He will get dizzy, but will start following you again. at this time, all you need to do is click on the tree (which would have not been a hotspot before). Once you climb the tree, just click near the branches, and you should swing and fall on the beast, hence ending the game. Hints 1 level: -------------- * Come forward, where the tiger is coming and another animal is also coming. At that time go upward. Now you are escaped. * Then go straight, you will see a branch hanging and use the branch to go to the other side. * Take the baby and go upwards. In the down area, there is a flint. For that, tie the child with vines to get the flint. * Get the stick also. Join the flint with stick.Now axe is ready. * Use the axe to cut the tree. Then walk, You have completed the 1st level of stoneage sam2 the ice age. Hints 2 Level: -------------- * You have entered the ice area. You hear some sound i.e blasting. In the blasting area, there is a big hole. Get the skull. * You and your babies enter the hole.There is a dark inside. * Pick up the flint. Get the fire. * Also get the sharp stone. With the help of stone, cut the animal skin. From animal skin, you and your family get the coat. * Go straight, you find lot of enemies and you need to kill them. * Again go straight, collect the stone. Now when the enemies are coming towards you throw the stone upwards and block the enemy. Again when enemy is coming and you need to piss. * Collect the pouch. Now you and your family entered to the third level. Hints 3 level: -------------- * In the level 3, click on the wooden piece and get the bone. * Click on the ice in front of your Family. * Click on brigde and let first your family go through, and follow the way too. * Pick up skull, hide and ribb, make a sled, click on ice. * Again, yeti appears, now take the wood. on which you have to take fast board and click where your family went down.