StarCraft 2: Nova Covert Ops Cheat Codes: ------------ Submitted by: David K While playing the game, press [Enter] to display the console window. Then, type one of the following codes and press [Enter] to activate the corresponding cheat function. Note: Enabling cheat codes, except for the "overengineeredcodpiece" code, will prevent achievements from being earned until a new game is started or a saved game is loaded. Code Result ------------------------------------------------------------------------ terribleterribledamage - God Mode. whatisbestinlife - instant win. whorunbartertown - 5000 of each resources. catfoodforprawnguns - fastbuild. bunker55aliveinside - Remove the Supply Cap. iamironman - Upgrade Weapons, Armor and Shields by 1. moredotsmoredots - Remove the need for resources (Cost checking disabled). whysoserious - Add 5 billion credits to the Hyperion BattleCruiser. tyuhasleftthegame - Disable Victory Conditions. jaynestown - Resources granted. Gives 5000 Terrazine. sosayweall - Disables tech requirements. realmendrilldeep - Grants 5,000 Vespene Gas. eyeofsauron - Open cutscene menu. overengineeredcodpiece - Plays the song "Terran up the Night". stroaksmolts - 5,000 minerals. smoldersbolds - 5,000 minerals and gas. wapboinkers - Extra research points. basestarsprimative - Fast build. reversingnazaire - Fast build. fsbcomunicacion - Fast heal. sawnoutofmemory - Disable fog of war. hanshotfirst - Disable ability cooldown. mintmansoperator - Disable food/psi requirement. qrotero - Disable time of day. ypoonsvoicemail - Disable defeat conditions. cmethodfeedback - Win current game. cadeasygoin - Lose current game. lyingpect - Mission graph dialog selectable. dzmhairspring - Gives 5000 Custom resources. furabranchery - Opens the UNN broadcast menu. = - Re-enters the last cheat used. NeverGiveUpNeverSurrender - Disables defeat conditions StayClassyMarSara - Access to all UNN Broadcasts TookTheRedPill - Disable Fog of War OverEngineeredCodePiece - Plays the song "Terran up the Night"