
Star Wars - Jedi Outcast Cheat Codes: ------------ Submitted by: Foxx To enable cheats, while playing a game, bring down the console with [Shift + ~] and type: "HelpUsObi 1". You can then enter any of the following codes in the console: Single player Code Result ------------------------------ g_dismemberment 5 - Self- explanatory HelpUsObi 1 - Enables cheats god - God mode noclip - Walk through walls notarget - Enemies ignore you kill - Kill yourself give all - All weapons + max stats give health - Full health give armor - Full armor give ammo - Full ammo give force - Full force give inventory - Full inventory give batteries - Full battery bar give weaponnum [1-13] - Gives you the weapon with that # victory - Plays a sound g_speed - Adjust speed undying - 999 health and Undead mode setviewpos - Unknown levelshot - Unknown taunt - Kyle rolls the weapon in his hand timescale - You can change time cinematic - Watch all cinematics (See List Below) cg_drawCrosshair [1-9]- Gives you crosshair with that # cg_drawTimer 1 - Show how many time you played drive_atst - Drive an ATST machine npc spawn [character] - Spawns a character (See List Below) npc kill all - Kills all npc on the level npc showbounds - Shows bounding boxes npc score - Prints number of kills setforceall [1,2,3] - Sets force powers to that level screenshot - Screenshot with console g_debugDamage 1 - Shows how many damage player gets fly_xwing - Fly an X-wing fighter mapname - Prints a map name setmindtrick 4 - Jedi Mind Trick map - Go to Level (See List Below) saberColor - Your saber replace color (See List Below) g_saberRealisticCombat 1 - You can chop off any body parts saberstyle 1 - Blue saber saberstyle 2 - Yellow saber saberstyle 3 - Red saber /twosaber - Two-handed lightsaber /thedestroyer - Double bladed lightsaber Kill Enemy Simply: ------------------ When you enable cheats, you can kill the enemy simply. You need to type "setmindtrick 4" then you can be in the enemies body. You can kill the enemy by jump of the roof top or kill other enemy. I use this cheat in "bespin_streets" becose there are much roof tops in that level. Saber Colors: ------------- red orange blue green yellow purple Cinematics: ----------- jk0101 jk0101_sw jk02 jk03 jk04 jk05 jk06 jk07 jk08 jk09 openinglogos outcast mon_mothma mon_mothma_back mon_mothma_idle Multiplayer Code Result ------------------------------- /devmap [mapname] - Enables cheats on given map /g_gravity - Adjust gravity /THEDESTROYER - Gives you doubled Lightsaber The rest of the codes for multiplayer are exactly the same as those for single player. You just have to use devmap and [mapname] to activate them. How To Get Doubled Lightsaber: ------------------------------ Its simple you just type "THEDESTROYER" only in multiplayer and only if the saber is off. If he is on, the cheat won't work, he must be off. When he writes THE DESTROYER COMETH the cheat workt. And you can kill the enemies faster with him. Map Names For Single Player: ---------------------------- kejim_post kejim_base artus_mine artus_detention artus_topside valley yavin_temple yavin_trial ns_streets ns_hideout ns_starpad bespin_undercity bespin_streets bespin_platform cairn_bay cairn_assembly cairn_reactor cairn_dock1 doom_comm doom_detention doom_shields yavin_swamp yavin_canyon yavin_courtyard yavin_final Map Names For Multiplayer: -------------------------- ctf_bespin ctf_imperial ctf_ns_streets ctf_yavin duel_bay duel_jedi duel_pit duel_carbon ffa_bespin ffa_deathstar ffa_imperial ffa_ns_hideout ffa_ns_streets ffa_raven ffa_yavin NPC Characters: --------------- Luke (Good) Jan (Good) Kyle (Good) Desann (Bad) Tavion (Bad) Ugnaught (Bad) Galak (Bad) Galak_mech (Bad) Lando (Good) Reelo (Bad) Monmothma (Good) Weequay (Bad) Jeditrainer (Good) Jedi (Good) Jedi2 (Good) Rodian (Bad) Rebel (Good) Imperial (Bad) Gran (Bad) Granshooter (Bad) Trandoshan (Bad) Prisoner (Good) Prisoner2 (Good) Probe (Bad) Remote (Bad) Interrogator (Bad) Sentry (Bad) Proto (Bad) Gonk (Droid) Mouse (Bad) Mark1 (Bad) Atst (Bad) Protocol (Droid) Protocol_imp (Droid) R2d2 (Droid) R2d2_imp (Droid) R5d2 (Droid) Rockettroper (Bad) Stormtrooper (Bad) Stormtrooper2 (Bad) Stormpilot (Bad) Swamptrooper (Bad) Stofficer (Bad) Stofficeralt (Bad) Stcommander (Bad) Impworker (Bad) Impcommander (Bad) Impofficer (Bad) Bartender (Bad) Minemonster (Bad) Bespincop (Good) Reborn (Bad) Rebornacrobat (Bad) Rebornforceuser (Bad) Rebornboss (Bad) Rebornfencer (Bad) Play in Slow-motion Mode: ------------------------- When cheats are enabled and you type in "timescale 0.28" you can play in slow-motion mode. I use this cheat always. NPC Characters Health: ---------------------- Luke 250 Jan 100 Kyle 100 Desann 625 Tavion 375 Ugnaught 12 Galak 100 Galak_mech 1250 Lando 100 Reelo 100 Monmothma 100 Weequay 37 Jeditrainer 400 Jedi 200 Jedi2 200 Rodian 31 Rebel 100 Imperial 25 Gran 37 Granshooter 50 Trandoshan 50 Prisoner 100 Prisoner2 100 Probe 250 Remote 100 Interrogator 125 Sentry 187 Gonk 100 Mouse 100 Mark1 375 Atst 250 Protocol 100 Protocol_imp 100 R2d2 100 R2d2_imp 100 R5d2 100 Rockettrooper 75 Stormtrooper 37 Swamptrooper 87 Swamptrooper2 87 Stofficer 75 Stofficeralt 75 Stcommander 75 Impworker 37 Impcommander 100 Impofficer 50 Bartender 100 Minemonster 50 Bespincop 50 Reborn 40 Rebornacrobat 100 Rebornforceuser 100 Rebornboss 150 Rebornfencer 100 Jedi Force Cheats: ------------------ setForceJump (level) (1 - 3) setForceHeal (level) (1 - 3) setForcePush (level) (1 - 3) setForcePull (level) (1 - 3) setForceSpeed (level) (1 - 3) setForceGrip (level) (1 - 3) setForceLightning (level) (1 - 3) setForceAll (level) (1 - 3) setMindTrick (level) (1 - 4) setSaberThrow (level) (1 - 3) setSaberOffense (level) (1 - 5) setSaberDefense (level) (1 - 3) Get All WEAPONS: ---------------- Submitted by: Nick Mahon E-mail: wizkid999@hotmail.com Press shift+~(left of 1 key) and type in GIVE ALL.This will give you all weapons. Cheat: ------ Submitted by: danny van der Zande in the real game (no multiplayer)open the console (shift+~) typ: helpusobi1 then typ: setallforce 4 If you do mindtrick you are in the body off your victim All force powers have increased, Have fun Camera spins around you: ------------------------ Submitted by: Goshik You can type this cheat if the cheats are not enabled. Type "thereisnospoon" and camera spins around one time. Get all items quick: -------------------- Submitted by: Goshik In the game when cheats are enabled type in the console "bind g give all" then you press "g" and you will have all items. All Force Powers: ----------------- Submitted by: Goshik In multiplayer when you create map in that map will be light and dark force power cubes. When you have them the all force powers you will have. Time is running if time is run out all force powers be goon. But if you jump in to death hands the force powers will be with you. Item names: ----------- Submitted by: Goshik ammo_blaster ammo_emplaced ammo_force ammo_metallic_bolts ammo_powercell ammo_rockets ammo_thermal ammo_tripmine holocron_force_grip holocron_force_heal holocron_force_levitation holocron_force_lightning holocron_force_pull holocron_force_push holocron_force_saberthrow holocron_force_speed holocron_force_telepathy item_bacta item_battery item_binoculars item_datapad item_enviro item_goodie_key item_la_goggles item_medpack_instant item_security_key item_seeker item_sentry_gun item_shield_lrg_instant item_shield_sm_instant misc_atst_drivable weapon_atst_main weapon_atst_side weapon_blaster weapon_botwelder weapon_bowcaster weapon_bryar_pistol weapon_demp2 weapon_det_pack weapon_disruptor weapon_emplaced_gun weapon_flechette weapon_melee weapon_repeater weapon_repid_concussion weapon_rocket_launcher weapon_saber weapon_stun_baton weapon_thermal weapon_trip_mine weapon_turret Cheats: ------- Submitted by: kevin NOTE:cheats must be enabled for these 2 work .... Enable Cheats : --------------- Bring down the console ( shift + ` ) type "devmap" . this enables cheats. Record ur own game!!!: ---------------------- ring down the console and type "g_synchronousclients 2" and then type "record" ....it will automatically record . when u want to stop , type "stop". Get Double-Ended Light-Saber: ----------------------------- First put off ur saber ..... then bring down the console and type "/thedestroyer" sit back 'n' enjoy !!! if the character gets stuck (unable 2 move) then disable the cheat by typing it again and again enble it ... it is really helpful . Gametip : Assign Cheats to keys : --------------------------------- Bring down the console and type "bind " ...this is helpful as u need not bring down the console again and again . for removing the cheat from a key type"unbind " . once a cheat is bound to a key or letter, just press the key / letter to enable / disable the cheat. Get 999 Ammunition: ------------------- When u have the rocket launcher , bring down the console and type "give ammo" . it givves 999 ammo. Cheat: ------ Submitted by: Sith_Lord Without even enabling cheats: Decrease the force regen time: Bring down the console and type "g_forceregentime 0.25" Use other models available: bring down concole and type "model jedi/j2" or "model imperial/commander" or anyother availble in the assets0.pk3 in gamedat/gamedata file. Cheats: ------- Submitted by: Petar When you are in the game, press SHIFT and ~ at the same time. Then type: devmapall(activates cheat mode), god(GOD mode), give all(all weapons and armor), give health(fills in the energy), give armor(refills the armor), npc kill all(kills all unimportant faces), victory(ends level victorious), fly_xwing(fly on xwing), drive atst(driving ATST), map pit(switches to pit level). Cheat: ------ Submitted by:D2X100 This isn't exactly a cheat but I allways use it: bind v "setforcelightning 2;+force_lightning;give all;-force_lightning" and bind b "setforcelightning 3;+forcelightning;give all;-force_lightning" Now you have with v the long lightning bolt for enemys that aren't close and with b the lightning fan for one or a mass of close enemys I have an idea which allways fails:I want to make 3 forces to be used at once (it can be done without bind but I.M.LAZEE) they are grip ,lightning and saber throw and if anyone does that post here Kill Luke Skywalker: -------------------- Go to the level where you ask Luke Skywalker to give your lightsaber back. Enable the no clip and setforceall 3 codes to go to his room by walking through a floor or wall, but not through the door. Then, while still under the no clip code, float far above him and use Force Pull to make him go flying up in the air. After a few times, he crash down and die. Alternately, you can also simply pull him near the entrance of his quarters; when the intermission sequence with him begins, he will be near his door instead of meditating at his window. Run on wall: ------------ Sidestep into wall and run forward at the same time. Then, jump to run on the wall. You can also side flip by doing the same thing without running. Secret area: ------------ At the shield generator, go to the dynamite on the top of green energy pipes. There is a large shield booster and a seeker drone. First, jump on the pipes you destroyed. Then, go to the edge of the pipe, jump flip to the next one, and repeat.