Splinter Cell - Pandora Tomorrow Cheat Codes: ------------ Update by: PDK-007 Submitted by: conner54 Cheat mode: ----------- Use a text editor to edit the "splintercell2user.ini" file in the folder: "splinter cell pandora tomorrowofflinesystem". Bind one of the following codes to a function key as indicated, then press it during game play to toggle the corresponding cheat function. For example, make the corresponding changes to that file. [F1]=OPSAT [F2]=Invisible [F3]=Invincible [F4]=ammo [F5]=Savegame [F6]=summon echeloningredient.estickyshocker [F7]=summon echeloningredient.eringairfoilround [F8]=Loadgame [F9]=summon echeloningredient.efraggrenade [F10]=summon echeloningredient.estickycamera [F11]=summon echeloningredient.ediversioncamera [F12]=summon echeloningredient.ecamerajammer Effect Code ------------------------------------------------------ Enable God mode - invincible 1 Disable God mode - invincible 0 Full health - health Invisibility - invisible 1 Disable invisibility - invisible 0 Full ammunition - ammo Flight mode - fly No clipping mode - ghost Disable flight and no clipping modes - walk View stealth amount - stealth Freeze enemies - playersonly 1 Unfreeze enemies - playersonly 0 No enemies - killpawns Modify settings, including key binding - preferences Complete current mission - mission win Spawn indicated item - summon [item name] Quickly quit game - quit Item names: ----------- Submitted by: PDK-007 Use one of the following entries with the summon code. echeloningredient.ecamerajammer echeloningredient.echemflare echeloningredient.edisposablepick echeloningredient.ediversioncamera echeloningredient.ef2000 echeloningredient.eflare echeloningredient.efn7 echeloningredient.efraggrenade echeloningredient.elasermic echeloningredient.elockpick echeloningredient.emedkit echeloningredient.erappellingobject echeloningredient.eringairfoilround echeloningredient.esmokegrenade echeloningredient.estickycamera echeloningredient.estickyshocker echeloningredient.ethermalgoggle echeloningredient.ethermalmine echeloningredient.ewallmine Hint: Defeating Norman Soth: ---------------------------- Submitted by: PDK-007 After you have climbed up the elevator cables and have gotten on top of the other elevator, crawl through the hole in the wall. Norman Soth and two other mercenaries are on the top pathways. While in the hole, there will be one guard on the top path, slightly to the right. You should be able to shoot him in the head. Then, a timer will start and you will have one minute to kill Norman Soth and his other mercenary. When you shoot the first mercenary, drop out of the hole onto the first pathway. The second mercenary will go to exactly where the you shot the first mercenary. Shoot the second mercenary in the head. Note: The second guard will be aiming at the hole, so he will not see you if you drop out of the hole. The last person to kill is Normon Soth. Start running down the pathway and turn left on the second to last walkway on the left. Look up and turn on your thermal vision. You will see Normon Soth. Get a clear shot and shoot him in the head. After that you must retrieve the smallpox box from the top pathway. If you are on the second to last pathway on the left, go up the ladder. There will be another ladder; use it to climb up. Drop off the ledge onto the pathway. Run down the middle pathway to find the smallpox box. Hint: Knocking out guards: -------------------------- Submitted by: PDK-007 To knock out a guard without using a Sticky Shocker or a Air Foil, shoot a Sticky Cam at their head. Note: It must hit him directly in the head for the guard to get knocked out. Hint: Stealth: -------------- Submitted by: PDK-007 To move quieter, crouch down and walk slower. This will make your steps softer, and keep you undetected to a limit. To decrease your chances of being seen, shoot out the lights with your gun. Be careful, as if there is an enemy is under that light they may see you shooting it out. Prince Of Persia reference: --------------------------- Submitted by: PDK-007 On the mission when you are on the train, look in the second car where the guard is located. Knock him out then go behind the fenced door. Look down you will see a magazine featuring Prince Of Persia. Hints: ------ Submitted by: By Ranuka Perera Drop Attack: ------------ When clinging on a pipe jump on a enemy to knock him down. When an alarm beeps: -------------------- Press up continuously(near a door). After the some time the alarm fades. No more Special Guards. Tip: ---- Use Thermal Vision Goggles to find hidden ammo. Paris, France: Save Francois Coldeboeuf: ---------------------------------------- In the part where you have to meet Francois, get to the room where you must jump on the cabinet into the crawl space. Below you, the guards should be shooting the door. They will stop and have a conversation. Before you go into the room, take out a frag grenade and drop it into the center of the group. Then, turn and go back into the previous room. You will hear a big explosion. Go back up and go into the chop shop. Talk to Francois. Get the phone then climb back into the shaft. The corridor below should look like a bomb exploded. Turn left at the intersection instead of right, then drop down where the cryo fluid was spraying out. Walk to the van and finish the mission. At the end, Francois will survive and you get the satisfaction of blowing someone up. Sabotaging Sadono's plane: -------------------------- Get to the part where DP Brunton tells you that you should be close to Sadono's plane, and Fisher replies, "Really?". Look to your left. You should see a fence. Climb over this fence to find a drain pipe. Climb up the drain pipe and shimmy along the edge. Pull yourself up onto the ledge above. Enter the door and go to the right. You should find a switch. Hit the switch to turn the lights off. You can now dispose of the two soldiers guarding the plane. Knocking out guards: -------------------- To knock out a guard without using a Sticky Shocker or a Air Foil, shoot a Sticky Cam at their head. Note: It must hit him directly in the head for the guard to get knocked out. Escaping elevator shaft: ------------------------ In LAX, there is a part where the elevator stops. Blow out the top and jump to climb out. Then, climb on a pole that gets you to the catwalks. Jump until you reach a landing and use the "Climb Out" interaction. Climb up and over, then jump down to another pipe that leads to an opening and a checkpoint. Then with a running start, do a split jump over the two pipes and drop. Jump up on the ledge and pull yourself up. Shoot the vent and jump across. Go through it and come out the other side, then jump down and cling to the pole. Move over and climb up the ladders. You will reach a place where there are three poles to rappel from. Choose the middle one and crawl through the opening. This will take you to a save point and to Soth. Multiplayer Hostage Situation Hint: ----------------------------------- This is a key scenario that will befall a Mercenarie online at least once. Your partner watches your back as you go into a dark room. Suddenly you hear a brief rustling followed by a grunt. Your partner is now being held hostage by a spy. You now have 3 options! 1.Negotiate- This will never happen because a spy grabbed your friend with the goal of snapping his neck. 2.Hold fire- Well now you can watch the spy commit to his goal without a muzzle flash in your way. 3.Open fire- I do not suggest using a grenade other wise your partner will take all the shrapnel. Aim for the spies head once your partner is dead (most likely outcome) aim for the torso of the spy. Paris - Nice level: ------------------- When you get to the area where the conductor is talking about some earplugs wait for him to go to the toilet, use the swat tactic to get past the door, and use the optic cable and thermal vision to search in all the cabins. Soth is the guy with a right leg that's not warm. Also: on the same level, when you get to the end and they say "its you or them" run forward up the ladder and onto the roof. when you get there roll the whole way to the end of the train and jump onto the rope. Getting Sadono: --------------- At the very end of the T.V. station mission, you will enter a room with about five or so guards, and Sadono himself, being prepaired to be filmed. Do NOT move onto the ground; instead start sniping out the guards by using your scope. After all of them, ALL of them, are dead, Sadono will wander around; don't shoot him. Simply wait for him to stop, then sneak onto the floor and grab him from behind. If you find there is even one guard left, there might be some trouble. I had to do this part, alone, about thirty times before I got it right; take your time. Human shield: ------------- If you haven't already figured it out you can grab guards and use them as a human shield this will also hold your gun out so you can shoot at enemies. Bypassing motion detectors: --------------------------- Before passing by a motion detector, pick up the body of a dead or unconscious guard. Then, proceed to walk past the motion detector. The motion detector should not go off, due to it seeing the guard on your shoulders, thus making you invisible to it. Wrong timer on the last ND133: ------------------------------ In the last intermission sequence, when you retrieve the last ND133, Fisher says that there are still eleven minutes on the timer. However, when the intermission sequence starts, the timer has just passed twelve minutes. Lambert and Grim did not mention anything about changing the timer, and Fisher does not have a gadget to change timers. Various references: ------------------- On the first half of the Jerusalem level, there is a book store directly behind an alley with a swinging lamp. Next to it is another smaller alley with a swinging lamp. If you look inside the large window you can see many different picture references to The Punisher, Ubi Soft's XIII, an anime, and a picture of the infamous "Sniper Kitty" among many other things. Use the binoculars to get a much better look. Extra supplies: --------------- When you have reached the airport car park in the back of the truck, kill the two guards and the dog. Then, face the truck again and turn left. On the left hand wall should be a door. Open it, and inside are some Sticky Shockers, Ring Airofoils, Sticky Cameras and a Med Kit. Shoot without fear: ------------------- When you are at a point that you can only use non-lethal attacks, make sure that you have the SC-20K and at least one Sticky Cam. Instead of waiting to sneak up on a person, shoot them in the head with the Sticky-Cam. This knocks them out without using "lethal methods". Aiming high is the key to knocking the person out because the Sticky Cams have a short range. After the attack you can pick your cam up and use it again. Stealth: -------- To decrease your chances of being seen, shoot out the lights with your gun. Be careful, as if there is an enemy is under that light they may see you shooting it out.