Splinter Cell Cheat Codes: ------------ Update by: robloxman861 Update by: zeeshan amin Update by:Paperfeed Submitted by: conner54 Cheat mode: ----------- Press [F2] to display the console window, then type one of the following codes and press [Enter] to activate the cheat function. Note: Press [Tab] instead of [F2] in the demo version of the game. Result Code ---------------------------------------------------- Full health - health Invisibility - invisible 1 Disable invisibility - invisible 0 Full ammunition - ammo Flight mode - fly No clipping mode - ghost gameplay after ghost Fly / Etc - walk Freeze enemies - playersonly No enemies - killpawns Enable God mode - invincible 1 Disable God mode - invincible 0 View stealth amount - stealth Freeze enemies - playersonly 1 Unfreeze enemies - playersonly 0 Modify settings - preferences Complete current mission - mission win Spawn indicated item - summon [item name] Quickly quit game - quit Cheats: ------- Submitted by: Rocker To enter these codes, you must bring down the console down by pressing ~ key. Cheat Result ------------------- invisible1 : Invisibility invisible2 : Remove invisibility god : God mode fly : player flies kill : Kill all guards Cheats: ------- Submitted by: Jose Correia summon echeloningredient.ef2000 Gives F2000 summon echeloningredient.eAmmoF2000 Gives Ammo for F2000 summon echeloningredient.eRingAirfoilRound Gives Ring Airfoil Projectile summon echeloningredient.eStickyShocker Gives Sticky Shocker summon echeloningredient.eSmokeGrenade Gives Smoke Grenade summon echeloningredient.eStickyCamera Gives Sticky Camera summon echeloningredient.eDiversionCamera Gives Diversion Camera summon echeloningredient.eFn7 Gives Fn7 summon echeloningredient.eAmmoFn7 Gives Ammo for Fn7 summon echeloningredient.eLockPick Gives Lock Pick summon echeloningredient.eLaserMic Gives Laser Mic summon echeloningredient.eCameraJammer Gives Camera Jammer summon echeloningredient.eOpticCable Gives Optic Cable summon echeloningredient.eDisposablePick Gives Disposable Lock Pick summon echeloningredient.eWallMine Gives Wall Mine summon echeloningredient.eChemFlare Gives Chemical Flare summon echeloningredient.eFlare Gives Emergency Flares summon echeloningredient.eFragGrenade Gives Frag Grenade summon echeloningredient.eMedKit Gives Medical Kit 0_0_2_Training Opens Training Map 1_1_0Tbilisi Opens Police Station 1_2_1DefenseMinistry Opens Defense Ministry Map 1_3_2CaspianOilRefinery Opens GFO Oil Rig Map 2_1_0CIA Opens CIA HQ 2_2_1_Kalinatek Opens Kalinatek Map 4_1_1ChineseEmbassy Opens Chinese Embassy Map 4_2_1_Abattoir Opens Mouke Tsoe Bo Meats Map 4_3_0ChineseEmbassy Opens Return to the Chinese Embassy Map 5_1_1_PresidentialPalacea Opens Presidential Palace Map Keypad Codes: ------------- Mission 1 - Police Station Keypad #1: 091772 Keypad #2: 5929 Mission 4 - CIA HQ Keypad #1: 7687 Keypad #2: 110598 Keypad #3: 2019 Keypad #4: 110700 Keypad #5: 0614 (if Dougherty gets through the door before you can) Mission 5 - Kalinatek Keypad #1: 97531 Keypad #2: 33575 Keypad #3: 1250 Mission 8 - Chinese Embassy, Part II Keypad #1: 1436 Keypad #2: 9753 Keypad #3: 1456 Keypad #4: 1834 Keypad #5: 7921 Mission 9 - Presidential Palace Keypad #1: 2126 Keypad #2: 70021 Keypad #3: 66768 Hint: ----- Submitted by: anil oza How To Get Door Code and other Information without killing a man: just before killing a guard or man for door code or information save your game then kill him and take information and then reload your game. Now you have door code without killing a man. Defense Ministry: Make Irving Lambert mad: ------------------------------------------ When you go down to the car parking for the first time, your object is to interrogate Grinko's Driver. Grab him, and after you have interrogated him knock him out. Lambert will tell you a new objective. After he has finished talking take out your SC pistol and shoot Grinko's driver in the head. Then, start going back upstairs. Lambert will contact you and say, " Fisher what was that?" and Sam will reply, "He was a bad guy". Then Lambert will say, "Don't do that anymore, it's sloppy work Abbatoir: Ammunition: --------------------- When you are in the room with a guard sitting at the desk that must be interrogated, behind the laptop is a machine gun. Near that there is a lot of 5.56mm ammunition for your SC-20K. Abbatoir: Easy kills: --------------------- Before dropping into the freezer, while in the ceiling use your thermal goggles and take out the three guards. Abbatoir: Kill Grinko easily: ----------------------------- Equip a sticky shocker to your SC20K and shoot Grinko with it. The sticky shocker will kill Grinko with one hit. Kalinatek: Extra ammunition: ---------------------------- Once you have finished with the bomb and go to the stage room, there will be two men. One of them has bullets for your SC-20K gun. Nuclear Power Plant: Ammunition and frag grenades: -------------------------------------------------- Once you go past the lock pick door, climb the pipe next to the door. Only climb the first pipe, then fall from pipe to pipe until you go to the other side of the fence on the right part of the fence. Note: If you climb the fence, there is no way to go to the other part. You will find some pistol ammunition and frag grenades. Hiding: ------- You cannot be seen when hiding in dark places. Shoot the lights to make it dark, but make sure that there are no guards around. Do not stay in the light too long. Disabling Wall Mines: --------------------- Slowly go up to a Wall Mine. It will flash red and green at an even pace. To disable this, you have to press [Action] when it flashes green. If it becomes red the instant before you press [Action], it will explode. The way to always do this safely is to hold [Action] button when the "Disable Wall Mine" selection appears. Then, if it is green, release the button. If it is red on the screen, move the selection up to "Back To Game" and try again. Escaping a room full of soldiers: --------------------------------- Take a sticky camera or smoke grenades and throw it near where the most guards are located. For the sticky camera, a control bar that tells you how to make a noise or use smoke will appear at the bottom of the screen. Throw the smoke grenade and the smoke should knock out some guards. When the smoke appears from the grenade(s), it is your chance to run for it . Knock out an enemy: ------------------- To knock out an enemy without killing him, equip the sticky camera and shoot it at his head. Aim slightly above the head to compensate for gravity. After he is down, pick up the sticky camera and use it again. You can throw bottles to knock out guards. You must aim and hit them in the head. Weapon and stat modification: ----------------------------- You can modify the stats of either the FN7 (Sam's pistol), the SC20K, and even Sam Fisher's outer appearance. Type one of the following codes at the console window: ea class=esam (for Sam's stats) ea class=efn7 (for the FN7'S stats) ea class=ef2000 (for the SC20K'S stats) Your regular mouse pointer should appear. Press the Right Mouse Button to resume the game, then press [Alt] + [Enter] to minimize your window. If your desktop resolution is higher than what is being played in the game, the game will become a smaller window. However, if your desktop resolution is smaller, then it should overlap some of your screen. The class editor should be to the left of your screen after you minimize. If you want to edit stats on weapons (FN7, SC20K), then scroll down to the section named "None". This contains the accuracy and damage boxes with numbers beside them. Change "Accuracy" and everything else marked "accuracybase" or "desiredaccuracy" to .0001 to be perfectly accurate. If you want to change "Damage", find the box and type in "9000" instead of "100". If you want to change Sam's outer appearance, then type in the EA class things, minimize your window, and look for a section called "Display". Under that, find a box marked "Static Mesh". If it reads "SamAMesh" or something similar, this indicates it is Sam's regular appearance (full body covered except for the head). You can change this to either SamBMesh (full suit, everything covered) or SamCMesh (arms not covered). An easy way to do this is to find the letter in the "Static Mesh" box and change it from A to B, A to C, B to A, C to B, etc. Chinese Embassy: Code numbers: ------------------------------ In part two, after the checkpoint you will come down the trap door to a tunnel with the guard. You must to enter three code numbers following a guard using your thermal goggles. The codes are: "1456", "1834", and "7921". Luring your enemy: ------------------ To do this, find a can or glass bottle to pick up. Once obtained, move to a location, preferably dark. While hidden, throw the can or bottle to an open area with an enemy nearby. When thrown, the enemy will wonder what happened and walk towards that location. After you have drawn him out, you can take him out for an easy kill. When throwing objects, you can use the can as many times as desired, but a bottle is more noticeable. Hiding bodies: -------------- After you have disposed of enemies in an area, make sure that you still hide them, even though no one is nearby. Before going to another checkpoint, the alarm may ring, and it will say that a body was found. Try to hide all bodies in hidden areas for best results. Video Resolution Fix: --------------------- The game makers elected to reduce the resolution of all 32-bit video cards to display a maximum resolution of 640 X 480. If you want a higher resolution, find the SplinterCellUser.ini file in the \...splinter cellsystem directory and open it with a text editor. Find the line, "Resolution=640X480" and change it to whatever resolution value your video card (and monitor) can handle. Secret room: ------------ Go to the first level, The Training Level, Go GHOST and find the room where you and Lambert have a conversation, if you found it, if out the room you will see a door with keypad press 7393 or go GHOST you can kill Lambert (No message of mission failure), you can kill your twin, err, YourSelf, kill your twin, he is still standing there is an interaction if you don't kill your twin first "GRAB CHARACTER". Killed (but still standing even shooting him much times), the interaction is "BODY". Carry him, they both will do it together, then Tada THE TWIN OF EVIL! Easy Cheating using keys: ------------------------- You Want to use cheat codes without typing a cheat and bind a key? Here's what your going to do: -Go to Ubi softSplinter CellSystem and open the "SplinterCellUser" file, the file is a configuration file, enter with Notepad -Find a key (4 ex. U=, 1= OR F1=) that is blank -When you see a blank key, Do like this =Ammo, Can't Understand Here's 3 examples: U=Invisible 1 F=Fly H=Summon EchelonIngredient.EF2000 Note: Don't Use the 5 key. It doesn't work like I tried it many times. All Easy: --------- Submited by- Aninda Das(IamGOD) e-mail aaninda_das@yahoo.co.in Allways play the game with god mode. Press [F2] to display the console window, then type "invincible 1". When u see more than one guards standing and u r not abletokoll them then just type "playersonly 1" ang kill your enemies and grab them and hide them. Now type "playersonly 0" to go all normal. If u do not have a graphics card then do not turn on the thermal glass it does not needed for the game. Use codex from cheatbook. Hide face: ---------- Have the diversionary camera equipped with the SC-10. Press L button before you zoom in and fire it at a wall. If Sam is close to the wall, he will put his hand in front of the camera to hide his face. You can try this with any sticky camera, but you need to be close to the wall you shoot it on for him to cover it. Wrong bathroom: --------------- Go to the Chinese Embassy. Go inside and hide somewhere so that the soldiers cannot see you. When they are done talking, one of the soldiers will enter the woman's bathroom instead of the men's.