Spiderman - The Movie Here are a whole load of extras and codes: ------------------------------------------ Submitted by: liran E-mail: lirannat@netvision.net.il All cheats need to be entered at the options menu and usually the Green Goblin will laugh if you have entered the code correctly All Levels + Movies - ARACHNID Get Super Coolant - CHILLOUT Get Big head mode - JOELSPEANUTS Unlock All-Fighting Controls - KOALA All Production notes + some Movies - IMIARMAS Get Character Scientist - SERUM Get Character Shocker - HERMANSCHULTZ Get Character Mary Jane Watson - GIRLNEXTDOOR Get Character Thug 1 - KNUCKLES Get Character Thug 2 - STICKYRICE Get Character Thug 3 - THUGSRUS Get Character Matrix Spidey - FREAKOUT Get Character Helicopter Pilot - CAPTAINSTACEY Get Character Police Officer - REAL HERO Get Matrix Attacks - DODGETHIS Get Unlimited Webbing - ORGANICWEBBING Get Next Level Feature in in-game menu - ROMITAS Get 1st Person Mode - UNDERTHEMASK Get Extra Training Levels - HEADEXPLODY Get Big Head & Feet Spider-Man - GOESTOYOURHEAD Get Tiny Spider-Man - SPIDERBYTE Cheat Codes: ------------ Submitted by: liran E-mail: lirannat@netvision.net.il Enter the "Specials" menu and enter "ARACHNID" as a code. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear the Green Goblin laugh. All regular levels, FMV sequences, and gallery pictures will be unlocked. Repeat code entry to return to normal. Level select: ------------- Enter the "Specials" menu and enter "IMIARMAS" as a code. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear the Green Goblin laugh. Repeat code entry to return to normal. Level skip: ----------- Enter the "Specials" menu and enter "ROMITAS" as a code. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear the Green Goblin laugh. Repeat code entry to return to normal. Pause the game and select the "Next Level" option to advance to the next level. Bonus training levels: ---------------------- Enter the "Specials" menu and enter "HEADEXPLODY" as a code. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear the Green Goblin laugh. Repeat code entry to return to normal. Infinite webbing: ----------------- Enter the "Specials" menu and enter "ORGANICWEBBING" as a code. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear the Green Goblin laugh. Repeat code entry to return to normal. All fighting controls: ---------------------- Enter the "Specials" menu and enter "KOALA" as a code. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear the Green Goblin laugh. Repeat code entry to return to normal. Play as Mary Jane: ------------------ Enter the "Specials" menu and enter "GIRLNEXTDOOR" as a code. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear the Green Goblin laugh. Repeat code entry to return to normal. Play as The Shocker: -------------------- Enter the "Specials" menu and enter "HERMANSCHULTZ" as a code. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear the Green Goblin laugh. Repeat code entry to return to normal. Play as a scientist: -------------------- Enter the "Specials" menu and enter "SERUM" as a code. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear the Green Goblin laugh. Repeat code entry to return to normal. Play as a police officer: ------------------------- Enter the "Specials" menu and enter "REALHERO" as a code. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear the Green Goblin laugh. Repeat code entry to return to normal. Play as Captain Stacey (helicopter pilot): Enter the "Specials" menu and enter "CAPTAINSTACEY" as a code. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear the Green Goblin laugh. Repeat code entry to return to normal. Play as thug model 1: --------------------- Enter the "Specials" menu and enter "KNUCKLES" as a code. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear the Green Goblin laugh. Repeat code entry to return to normal. Play as thug model 2: --------------------- Enter the "Specials" menu and enter "STICKYRICE" as a code. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear the Green Goblin laugh. Repeat code entry to return to normal. Play as thug model 3: --------------------- Enter the "Specials" menu and enter "THUGSRUS" as a code. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear the Green Goblin laugh. Repeat code entry to return to normal. Matrix-style attacks: --------------------- Enter the "Specials" menu and enter "DODGETHIS" as a code. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear the Green Goblin laugh. Repeat code entry to return to normal. Goblin-style costume: --------------------- Enter the "Specials" menu and enter "FREAKOUT" as a code. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear the Green Goblin laugh. Repeat code entry to return to normal. Small Spider-Man: ----------------- Enter the "Specials" menu and enter "SPIDERBYTE" as a code. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear the Green Goblin laugh. Repeat code entry to return to normal. Big head and feet for Spider-Man: --------------------------------- Enter the "Specials" menu and enter "GOESTOYOURHEAD" as a code. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear the Green Goblin laugh. Repeat code entry to return to normal. Enemies have big heads: ----------------------- Enter the "Specials" menu and enter "JOELSPEANUTS" as a code. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear the Green Goblin laugh. Repeat code entry to return to normal. First person view: ------------------ Enter the "Specials" menu and enter "UNDERTHEMASK" as a code. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear the Green Goblin laugh. Repeat code entry to return to normal. Super coolant: -------------- Enter the "Specials" menu and enter "CHILLOUT" as a code. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear the Green Goblin laugh. Repeat code entry to return to normal. Pinhead Bowling mini-game: -------------------------- Accumulate 10,000 points during game play to unlock the Pinhead bowling mini- game in the training menu. Vulture FMV sequence: --------------------- Accumulate 20,000 points during game play to unlock the Vulture FMV sequence in the CG menu. Shocker FMV sequence: --------------------- Accumulate 30,000 points during game play to unlock the Shocker FMV sequence in the CG menu. Green Goblin FMV sequence: -------------------------- Successfully complete the game on the hero or greater difficulty setting. Hint: ----- Submitted by: michael Play as harry osborn in goblin suit: start a new game in hero mode quit go to specials and type "arachnid" go to level select and click conclusion then go to secerate store go down to the bottom and turn it on (this also works for all the characters that you get by beatting the game). The Razor's Edge: Completing as Green Goblin: --------------------------------------------- As Green Goblin, you should find this level to be much easier than playing as Spider-Man. Before the other Green Goblin sets off his first wave of Razor Bats, run away from him as far as possible. Set the glider so that it is facing all the Razor Bats. Then, go in with turbo on the glider while shooting the guns a blazing. If desired, enable the CHILLOUT code. Then, release turbo and the engine and press [Left] or [Right]. This will make you slide 180 degrees in the direction you selected. Then, use whatever weapons desired to take out the rest. Repeat to get rid of all the Razor Bats. Note: Razor Bats do not work against other Razor Bats. The Razor's Edge: Destroying Razor Bats: ---------------------------------------- When you are fighting the Razor Bats as Spider Man, go on to the top of one of the buildings. Sit there and wait for the Razor Bats to surround you. Use your Advanced Web Dome to take out all of the close Razor Bats. It takes slightly less than two minutes, but it is effective. If you want to go for the Bonus Points at the end of the level, stay there and keep using your Advanced Web Dome to destroy more of them. When you feel that you have destroyed enough, go to the end and look at the points you have earned. Fake movie ads in Pinhead Bowling: ---------------------------------- In Pinhead Bowling training, look on the side walls when you start to see will be ads featuring fake movies. Lesbian ending: --------------- Enable the GIRLNEXTDOOR code. Complete the game and watch the ending sequence. Mary Jane will kiss another Mary Jane. Cloud message: -------------- At the start of the game when you have to take pictures of yourself, get on any tall building and look around in the sky, in the direction of the Activision building. The world "CHAOS" will be written in the clouds. Search For Justice: Gold Spider Icon: ------------------------------------- When you start the level, the rock you are standing on has a Gold Spider Icon. To find it, start swinging, then turn around to head back to the starting point. Search For Justice: Thug survives fall: --------------------------------------- Go to any building with a Skull Gang thug on it. Find a thug without a gun and walk toward him. He will start to back up and will eventually get to the edge, If you walk towards him a slightly more, he will fall off the building. Fall off with him and you will see that he landed on the sidewalk, but is still alive. Double Jump: ------------ In Basic Training, get on top of the second building and look towards the first one. There should be another question mark. Swing towards it. It teaches you how to double jump. Alternative costumes: --------------------- If you complete the game you can unlock other costumes. Finishing in Easy level lets you play as Peter Parker (sans costume), Finishing Normal level lets you use the Wrestling Costume, Finishing in Hero Level lets you use the Alex Ross variant Spider- Man costume, and finally finishing the Superhero level lets you play the Green Goblin (as Harry Osborn). Go through platform: -------------------- Go to the Chase Through The Sewers level and get to right after the part where you turn off the water. Then, go down to under the pipe that you can go into and stand on either ramp. Then, go about halfway down the ramp and start walking into one of the platforms level with the ground. You may have to jump, but if done correctly you will be floating through the platform and may be able to move around. You will also be able to kick and punch. To exit, jump or press N. Unlockables: ------------ The Secret Store contains bonus material which can be unlocked in the following ways. Unlockable How to unlock ------------------------------------------------------ Pinhead Bowling - Obtain 10,000 points. Vulture Test Movie - Obtain 20,000 points. Shocker Test Movie - Obtain 30,000 points. Unlimited Webbing - Obtain 50,000 points. Peter Parker Costume - Beat the game on Easy Mode. Wrestler Spider-Man - Beat the game on Easy Mode. Alex Ross' design for Spider-Man - Beat the game on Normal Mode. Green Goblin - Beat the game on Hero or Superhero Mode. Super Mech killed by friendly fire: ----------------------------------- When you fight the Super Mech in OsCorp after you destroy the generators, jump on the mech's neck. All the other enemies will fire, hit the neck, and kill him.