Spider Solitaire Cheat Codes: ------------ Submitted by: RM Deal for another row: --------------------- Press "M" during game play and you will be shown a move, Then, press "D" and the game will deal the cards out for you for another row without having to have to press it. Cheats: ------- Submitted by: CheatMaster! At the start of he game hold: [Ctrl]+1+2+3 for 5 seconds. Then u win the game! Hint - Keep a winning record: ----------------------------- Submitted by: aeinst When you are playing a game and feel like you are about to loose, just exit the game. When you are asked if you want to save the game, click Yes. If you are warned that an already saved game exists, and asked if you want to replace it, click Yes. Then start the game again and look at the statistics. The game you just lost was not taken into account! Now you can keep a clean record with 100% wins! Easy wins: ---------- Submitted by: Oscar Weiner Finish a game up to the last move then save it [Ctrl]+S. Then finish and instead of starting a new game hit Ctrl+O and finish the game again and again. It'll count each time as a win! Right-hand side play first: --------------------------- Submitted by: Theresa There are fewer cards to uncover on the right-hand side of the playing board than on the left-hand side. By concentrating there and uncovering those stacks first, more flexibility is gained in moving cards around. Control z - Undo moves: ---------- Submitted by: Theresa If there is more than one option where to move a card, try the first. If it does not result in a series of additional plays, hold [CTRL] and press z to clear the previous move(s). Try the second move. This applies to all moves--even to return to the last completed deck. It really works well on the last "deal" if you get locked and see what card you need to keep going.