Spider-Man - Web of Shadows New Costumes: ------------- Update by: Duke Complete any of the following to gain the costume. Ben Reily - Finish 25 city events Cosmic Spider-man - Finish Act 1 Spider-Carnage - Beat 500 enemies Spider-man 2099 - Finish 50 city events Armor Spider-man - Complete Act 2 Iron Spidey - Collect 150 Spider Tokens Muscleman - venom costume Completion bonus: ----------------- Successfully complete the game and allow it to auto-save after the credits. Load the cleared saved game file repeatedly until the game starts again with all your previously purchased moves and collectibles. Note: Do not skip through the credits when starting your reloaded saved games. Use both superhero and villain strikes: --------------------------------------- Notice as Spider-Man uses both his red and blue/black suits, his alignment meter will progress toward his good or bad side respectively. Take a look at the photo in the lower left-hand corner of the screen as well as the alignment meter in the pause menu. While the alignment picture is displaying the red and blue suit, only superheroes will aid him, and conversely while the black symbiote is displayed, only villains will help. As long as the picture is one color, it does not matter what suit you use until the meter color crosses the middle. If you maintain a very close middle ground, you can effectively utilize both the superheroes and villains (although not at the same time.) Strategize by getting both red and black points until your alignment meter is precisely in the middle. You might notice as you defeat one enemy using a suit that Spidey's picture will change in the lower left hand corner of the screen. Even if you have a hero summoned, if you quickly switch to the black suit and defeat more of the enemies until the photo changes, that hero will still stay with you until you dismiss him or your special meter runs out. The same holds true for villains and switching back to the red suit. The alignment affects whom you can summon, not who you have already called in. Use this strategy to defeat your enemies, get the most experience points, and unlock all the moves. New Game Plus: -------------- After Beating the Game go to load and use the auto save and You will start back at the first with all your skills that you had when You beat it. Spidey Icon locations: ---------------------- Acquire 1,000 Spidey icons or reach level 10, and you'll see remaining Spidey icons you've yet to nab. Wolverine's quiz: ----------------- When you first meet Wolverine, he will attack and you must fight him. He will ask a series of questions that must be answered correctly. Use the following responses to pass the quiz. -Richard and Mary -Ned Leeds -Battleworld -Daredevil -A Mutant -May Parker Start New Game with Upgrades: ----------------------------- Finish the game and watch the credits. Pick continue and watch them again. On the next continue, it should start the game again with everything you've gathered from the previous game. Don't skip any sequences. Tokens On Your Radar: --------------------- Collect 1,000 Spider Tokensand they will show up as red dots on your radar.