SpellForce - The Order of Dawn Cheat Codes: ------------ Submitted by: conner54 Note: Some versions of the game may require that [Left Ctrl] + ] or [Left Ctrl] + [Plus] to display the console window. Type one of the following case-sensitive codes then press [Enter] to activate the cheat function. Press [Esc] to close the console window. While playing, bring up the console by pressing [CTRL] + ]. Then type: Note: Requires version 1.02 of the game or higher. Note: Change (1) with (0) or vice versa to disable the code. Code Result ------------------------------------------------ Application:SetGodMode(1) - God Mode Application:SetNoManaUsage(1) - Unlimited Mana Application:FastHeroCast(1) Create - Heroes Fast Application:SetBuildingFastBuildMode(1) - Fast Build Application:SetFigureTechTreeMode(1) - All Units Application:GiveMeGoods(99999) - Add Raw Materials Application:SetBuildingTechTreeMode(1) - All Buildings Atmosphere:TimeLock(1) - Freeze current time of day Atmosphere:TimeLock (1) - Time froze Atmosphere:SetHour (x) - Change Time (x= 0-24) Atmosphere:SetAngle (x) - Cyle of Sun (x=0-x; 1-177= Day ; 178-351= Night (Avtivite TimeLock before) DebugInfo:LoadConfig (x) x=Number - Load Config DebugInfo:SaveConfig (x) x=Number - Save Config GameView:Mode_ShowDebugOn () - Switch World Block Debuger on GameView:Mode_ShowDebugOff () - Switch World Block Debuger out Camera:ScriptAddLookAt (x,x,x,x,x,x) x=Number Camera:ScriptAddLookAtRelative (x,x,x,x,x,x,x) x=Number Camera:ScriptAddMoveTo (x,x,x,x,x,x) x=Number Camera:ScriptAddMoveToRelative (x,x,x,x,x,x,x) x=Number Camera:ScriptAddSpline (x) x=Number Camera:ScriptAddDeploy (x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x) x=Number Camera:ScriptReset () Delete Camera Scripts Camera:ScriptStart () Start Camera Scripts Camera:MotionSpline_Reset () Camera:MotionSpline_SetBehaviour (x) x=Number Camera:MotionSpline_AddSplinePoint (x,x,x) x=Number Camera:MotionSpline_SetMovementLength (x) x=Number Camera:MotionSpline_SetCorrection (x) x=Number Camera:MotionSpline_SetSlowDown (x) x=Number Camera:ScriptSplineLookAtPosition (x,x,x) x=Number Camera:ScriptSplineLookAtApproachingModifier (x) x=Number Camera:ScriptSplineModifyCursorSpeed (x) x=Number Camera:ScriptSplineModifyCursorSpeedModifier (x) x=Number Camera:ScriptSplineLookAtNpc (x) x=Number Camera:ScriptSplineAddTargetLookAtOffset (x,x,x) x=Number GdsMainGump () GdsMainGumpQuestBook () GdsMain:WatchNpc (x) x=Number GdsMain:UnwatchNpc (x) x=Number GdsMain:WatchVar (x,x) x=Number GdsMain:UnwatchVar (x,x) x=Number GdsMain:SetVariableInt (x,x,x) x=Number GdsMain:SetQuestState (x,x) x=Number ObjectLibrary:AddNewEquipment (x) or (x,x) ObjectLibrary:CreateNewFigure (x,x) ObjectLibrary:AddObject(x,x) ObjectLibrary:CreateNewEffect () ObjectLibrary:AddNewMonument (x) ObjectLibrary:GetObject ( ) ObjectLibrary:CreateNewObject (y) y=Objectcategorie ObjectLibrary:GetBlendingLibrary () Ocean:SetFog (1,1) Render:EnableFog (1) Render:SetFogColor (R,G,B) Render:SetFogDensity (x,x,x,x,x) Render:Textures (0) 0=with Texture 1=without Texture Render:EnableFog (2) 2=no Models 1=Models Debug mode: -------------- Press [Ctrl] + D during game play to enable debug mode. Hold [Ctrl] and press W, E, R, or S to toggle various debug functions. Resource Cheat Tip: ------------------- Submitted by: Atlas When most people enter the cheat "Application:GiveMeGoods()" They put (99999), this is not the best you can do though. for more resources than a tower nut would know what to do with, put (-1).