SpellForce 2 - Faith in Destiny Cheat Codes: ------------ Submitted by: David K. To open the console press [Ctrl]+K . Be sure to remember to use upper and lower case as specified in the list. Once you have entered a cheat, you are able to press up or down to locate the cheat code to re-use it. Where you see (x) replace the x with 1 to turn on, and 0 to turn off the cheats. Where you see (number), replace the "number" with the desired number. Result Code ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Disable fog of war - UI: FOWEnable (x) Get indicated number of all goods - LogSender:GiveGood(number) Get indicated amoutn of gold - LogSender:AddMoney(number) God mode - LogSender:GodMode(x) Spells or abilities can be used repeatedly - LogSender:NoManaUsage(x)