South Park Super Mario Brothers Hints: ------ Submitted by: Bill Wolfe 1st level: --------- Find the ascending staircase formation of blocks with two '?' blocks overhead and a yellow vertical tube afterward (to the right). Climb up the staircase and hit the '?' blocks one at a time (if you hit both at once, you will only get credit for ONE gold coin). Collect the gold coins underneath the staircase, then jump up onto the tube. After the tube (to the right) you will see a midair block; jump on top of that block. Now simply walk off the right side of the block and fall straight down onto a hidden platform. A secret '?' block will appear underneath the midair block. Hit the secret '?' block for a free Mario, then jump right onto the land area to continue the level. 3rd level: ---------- Find the first vertically oscillating platform and jump onto it. Ride the platform all the way down to the bottom, and then ride it back up and jump off. Soon you arrive at a very wide mushroom with a block attached to the middle of its left side and a stack of three gold coins vertically above the attached block. Walk across this very wide mushroom and simply walk off the right side. You will drop down onto a smaller mushroom. Now simply walk off the left side of the smaller mushroom. You will land on a once-only hidden platform, and a secret '?' block will appear (attached to the middle of the right side of the very wide mushroom). Jump up and to the right so as to hit the secret '?' block for a free Mario while also returning to the top of the smaller mushroom at the same time. Notes: 1) If you fail to ride the first vertically oscillating platform all the way down, the once-only hidden platform will not appear and your Mario will die when you try to go after the secret '?' block. 2) If you do not jump to the right as you hit the secret '?' block, and try to land back on the once-only hidden platform instead, your Mario will die because the once-only hidden platform will disappear as soon as you make your jump. Hints: ------ Some worlds, especially World 2, contain invisible '?' Blocks. You can guess where they are by looking at the surrounding scenery or by bumping into them. Once you hit them from below, they are revealed. In underground levels, watch the roof at the top of the level for gaps. Sometimes powerups are hidden out on top of the level, and it is sometimes possible to run along the top of levels as a shortcut. But be careful, you might become stuck, and need to use the Panic Key (Escape). If you find any '?' Blocks against the ground, you will probabily find a Turtle or Bug nearby. You can use their shell to bash the block open from the side. This is worth doing, because usually it will be a Fire Flower. Collect all the coins you can! An extra life is always handy.