Soldier of Fortune 2 - Double Helix Cheat Codes: ------------ Update: ^Night-Angel^ - ...:::|The MeX^ Co.|:::... http://mex.hit.bg mex_bg@hotmail.com The link to the game must have the following parametres: +set lock_blood 0 +set com_multilingual 2 +set sp_language 0 +set console 1 for example: ""C:GamesSoF II Double HelixSoF2.exe" +set com_multilingual 2 +set sp_language 0 +set console 1 In the game you must press [Shift]+[~] buttons to bring the console down. Type the cheats in the console wihout / infront of them. !!!!!!!!!TO ACTIVE THE CHEATS YOU MUST TYPE IN THE CONSOLE "MAP (and the map name you wanna play)" YOU NEED TO DO THIS ONLY ONES. THE FIRST MAP IS "pra1". (map pra1) Result Cheat Code -------------------------------------------------------- God mode - /god Disable enemy AI - /notarget No clipping mode - /noclip All weapons and ammunition - /give all Armor - /give armor Full ammunition for current weapons - /give ammo Health - /give health Stamina - /give stamina Spawn indicated item - /give [item name] Never get tired - /nofatigue Display current map name - /mapname List maps - /dir maps Advance to indicated map - /spdevmap or /devmap [map name] Show all commands - /cmdlist Reconnect to last server - /reconnect Suicide - /kill Exit game - /quit Unlimited Power - /pinkspider Change Gravity to # (0-800, 800 is default) - /g_gravity # Change Movement Rate to # - /g_speed # Change Player's Name - /name (the wanted name) Toggle Windowed and Full Screen - /toggle r_fullscreen Show Current Server Settings - /serverinfo Reconnect to Last Server - /reconnect All levels Selecter: --------------------- Bring down the console and type this command: raven 1 then all levels will be selectable from the menu....enjoy! Map names: ---------- (type without .bsp, for example: "map air1") air1.bsp air2.bsp air3.bsp air4.bsp arm1.bsp arm2.bsp cem1.bsp col1.bsp col10.bsp col2.bsp col3.bsp col4.bsp col6.bsp col7.bsp col8.bsp col9.bsp finca1.bsp finca2.bsp finca3.bsp finca4.bsp hk1.bsp hk2.bsp hk3.bsp hk4.bsp hk5.bsp hk6.bsp hk7.bsp hos1.bsp hos2.bsp hos3.bsp hos4.bsp kam1.bsp kam10.bsp kam11.bsp kam12.bsp kam2.bsp kam3.bsp kam4.bsp kam5.bsp kam6.bsp kam7.bsp kam8.bsp kam9.bsp liner1.bsp liner2.bsp liner3.bsp pra1.bsp pra2.bsp pra3.bsp pra4.bsp pra5.bsp pra6.bsp shop1.bsp shop2.bsp shop3.bsp shop4.bsp shop5.bsp shop6.bsp shop7.bsp shop8.bsp tut1.bsp /arioche/small Cheat: ------ Submitted by: Goran Nikolic cheats for sof 2 not working if you not load every map,bring the console down and type name of the map(map name).now cheats are enabled.cheats are:god for god mode, give all for all weapons,this cheats working 100%!have a good fun and ENJOY!!! All levels Selecter: --------------------- Bring down the console and type this command: raven 1 then all levels will be selectable from the menu....enjoy! Cheatmode betaversion: ---------------------- Submitted by: Haspa edit myconfig.cfg in SoF 2 dir/base/ and add seta sv_cheats "1" (with those boxes around the other commands [] <-looks a little like that) Since its based on the Quake 3 engine it shouldnt be so hard to do the cheats but they are god give (itemname) give all noclip notarget cmdlist - all commands map All medals for the random mission generator: -------------------------------------------- After cheat mode has been activated, start the game, display the console window, then enter the following codes to unlock all the medals for the random mission generator. ar_medal_untouched 1 ar_medal_sharpshooter 1 ar_medal_sniper 1 ar_medal_knife 1 ar_medal_killall 1 ar_medal_grenade 1 ar_medal_osprey 1 ar_medal_mission25 1 ar_medal_mission50 1 ar_pl_accuracy 100 Guard in Firing Range: ---------------------- Just when you get into the Firing Range to test the OICW, you can see a guard in the room to your left. Enable the noclip to get in there, and you will see a picture of a girl that he is looking at. Grenade: -------- As you know, if you throw one grenade, the enemy will throw it back. Throw two or more at the same place, and they will not see the other one(s). The Shop: --------- Just before you enter the Secure Conference Room on the second time at The Shop in Texas, enable the noclip code and fly through the roof and into the Conference Room. You will see John Mullins in the right corner of the room.