Sniper Assassin

Sniper Assassin

Submitted by: RM

Use the following steps to complete the game

Level one:
Shoot the second person wearing a hat.

Level two:
Wait until you see a plane with China airlines. 
Shoot the first person coming of that plane. 

Level three:
Look at the person at the computer. A guard will also come close
after the guard walks away. Shoot at the computer person. 

Level four:
Shoot the seventh person coming out of the jail house. 

Level five:
Shoot all of the guards. Four will be on the high place. Then shoot
the person with a gun on the first floor. You will see part of a head
sticking out the crates at the bottom left; kill him first. 
Kill the people in cars. 

Level six:
Kill the guard on the top right first, then kill all of the guards.
There will be a guard in the middle walking in the far back; kill 
him. Then, kill all of the workers.

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