Snapshot Adventures Hints: ------ Submitted by: David K Patience is a Virtue: --------------------- Birds in flight are more impressive than birds sitting on the ground, so be patient and take photos you know will be keepers. A Bird in the Hand: ------------------ The more dynamic your shot, the more points you'll receive. Try to get two birds in the frame at once! Tips and Tricks: ---------------- 1.You will be given an assigment. 2.Tools will be introduced. Later in the game play you will have to choose between camera with flash and without flash (for night time) 3.After you complete your main assignment, there will actually be a succession of other assignments for your to get points for as long as the overall timer of the current a ssignment is still not finished yet. This would also depend on the number of shots left. Even if you can not manage all those mini-assignments within time, it is ok since you have completed your main assignment. Which is why it is very important to use the coffee, seeds and stopwatch sparingly because the main assignment once completed does not mean the game for that stage is completed. 4.You will then have to choose which picture to keep (in your journal where you should actually take a picture of a species in stationary motion and in flight) and which to discard. A good tip. The one that is chosen as the cover of a magazine is the one for keeps even if you personally do not like it, since this is where you will collect points for your good taste in choosing which to keep. If you do happens to take a picture of the same species in the last assignment, you will also have to choose whether to keep or discard it if you have captured the same species in the current assignment. 5.You can click on each photo as each is a thumbnail to a bigger sized picture. You can also check out your choices in your journal. 6.You can actually create your feather friends using the pre-sets. Similar to The Sims, but lower tech involved. You can even upload and download the birds although I have not tried this yet. How to get a 3 star & above picture: ------------------------------------ The get a 3 star and above picture, your subject (the bird) must be in the centre of your camera frame and close enough to see the features. A great one would involve some activity on the part of the bird, the best example is flying. If you're capturing a bird in flying motion, the best angle is the side of the bird, tilted and with the wing span clearly seen. This would involve a zoom lense, a cup of coffee and also the pocket watch which slows down the time. In fact that kind of picture will get you 4 stars and above. How to capture a bird in a stationary position: ----------------------------------------------- To get a picture of a bird in stationary position and yet good enough for 3 star and above, the best possible way which would not waste your coffee or the stop watch or the allocated number of shots allowed would be to use the seeds. Get ready with your zoom lense, zoom it first to desired proximity, feed the seeds to the bird you wish to photograph and immediately take the picture with the bird in the centre of your frame. The time frame between the feeding and the capture of that frame is no more than 5 seconds so you must make sure everything is in order and ready before feeding the bird. A close proximity of such a shot with the bird's head tilting by the side and its side facing the camera would get you a 3 star and above. A full frontal face shot of the bird I realise is not very effective for points, it's the slightly by the side shot that is the best. Don't worry about the symbol on top of the bird which indicates it is feeding. You can just snap the picture since that indication is merely telling you the bird is feeding. Hints: ------ Best item combo in the game without perching, etc missions beginner- identifer, stopwatch, coffee, cam silence, 4x zoom advanced- stopwatch,cam silencer, 4x zoom, flash.