Snack Bar Sim Cheat Codes: ------------ Submitted by: RM Edit equipment: --------------- Use a text editor to edit the "sbcat.clg" file in the "snack bar sim" folder. Each type of equipment is separated by "++++++" and their settings. An example is: +++++ (divider) Simple Sign (item name) Pic: cat-sign1.jpg (filename of.JPG picture in "snack bar simpics" to use with equipment) Electric (1-10): 0 (electricity value, lower to reduce bill payment set to 0 none) Sale Price: 25 (price of item) Resell: 5 (RRP ??) Reliability (1-5): 5 (the higher, the more reliable) Description: ------------ This simple sign lets customers know that you're open for business. (item description) ID Number: 97 (do not change) Note: Sign1 (do not change Change the settings as desired. Edit special items: ------------------- Use a text editor to edit the "sbcat.clg" file in the "snack bar sim" folder. Each type of equipment is separated by "++++++" and their settings. An example is: +++++ (divider) Awning (name) Pic: special-awning.jpg (filename of.JPG picture in "snack bar simpics" to use with equipment) Electric (1-10): 0 (electricity value, lower to reduce bill payment set to 0 none) Sale Price: 500 (price of item) Description: This attractive awning over the service area of your Snack Bar will give you more customers on rainy or very sunny days. (item description) ID Number: 96 (do not change) Multi: No (Set to Yes to put a quantity to sell on next turn, but may crash game) Change the settings as desired.