Sift Heads 2 Cheat Codes: ------------ Update by: anm. Submitted by: RM Enter one of the following cheats. Result Code --------------------------------- Money - clikclak All weapons - terminator Invincibility - lukyluke Aborted Flight level - abor Red Morning level - redm Hunter Storm level - hunt Shift And Sift level - shif Killed By A God level - kill Light City level - ligh Transaction level - tran Trap level - trap Let's Roll level - lets Last Run level - last Skip videos: ------------ Press "0" during a video. Walkthrough: ------------ Stage 1 - Aborted flight: Kill the guy with the gray hair as he walks to the airplane. Stage 2 - Red morning : kill the guy who is sitting and after that kill the guy who is running across the screen. Stage 3 - Bad time: shoot either the window on the left or where the woman is standing and after that kill the guy whos put is head up in the right window. Stage 4 - Hunter storm: Kill the girl who is hidden (very well) in one of the dark. windows on the right side of your screen (the small windows). Stage 5 - Shift and sift: Either complete the race or Press 0? to skip it, then shoot the tires. Stage 6 - Killed by a god: shoot the man who will pass in the lambo, comes from the top right. Stage 7 - Light city: shoot on the lower left corner of the maxgames.com billboard to. make the pannel go down and block the light, shoot the guy as before he enters the car. Stage 8 - The transaction: shoot the weapons when they will put them out (no one should die) and after that shoot the sniper on the rooftop. Stage 9 - The trap: shoot the light at the top of the room .and then shoot the gun/hand of the guy. Stage 10 - Lets roll: shoot the man on the motorcycle with the desert eagle, aim for the head, be quick. Stage 11 - Last run: Follow the arrow keys. Useful hints: ------------- * You can zoom in by right clicking and pressing zoom in (useful on both stage 1 and 4). * You can pause (kind of) the game by right clicking and unchecking play, shoot who you need to, and then right click and select play (useful for stages 5 and 10). Jumping level: -------------- Submitted by: Sift Head 2 mysterious player When you're on the bad time mission,choose m16 first(here some cheats:terminator)than shoot on the window and shoot the girl and you'll go to sift and shift mission. Have fun there you does see this!