Shaun White Snowboarding Hints: ------ Submitted by: Vetto Medica The best hints i can give is as follows: When doing tricks downhill i have found a neat way of get 100,000 respect score in one go but requires a little speed in order to do the trick. Press [Space] and hold down on "J" and "I" keys until the trick completes, then keep doing the same thing over and over while adjusting your positioning so you dont crash into anything. Before you know it you have a x3 score every time you do the trick, so by the end of the hill you should have somewhere close to 100,000 respect score. I also found a glitch and is easily exploitable, once you collected the objective coins head up to shaun and throw snowballs at him as many times as you see fit, once you stop your score wont drop until you start moving on your board and then stop or changing locations. Easy money: ----------- Submitted by: RM Regardless of what slope you are on, just as long as you are riding down the mountain and doing tricks you will make money. This is easier than doing competitions repeatedly. Shaun World: ------------ Earn a gold medal in all Shaun White set challenges. Shaun White skin: ----------------- Successfully complete the game, then load the cleared saved game file. Pause game play, then select the "Extras" option to access the Shaun White skin.