Saints and Sinners Bowling Cheat Codes: ------------ Submitted by: David K. To get more pin action (and more strikes), edit the file Bowlmore/Tables/pin_types.txt and change the 3rd column of "Default" from .65 to .85 or 1.00. Hints: ------ To get a perfect game bowl against Biggie at Dixieland don`t use any charms on him, only on yourself. Just take in charms that will help you. In most games if you don`t charm him he wont charm you. Most, not all. Each bowling ball has a different style, and gets a strike in a different way. Ex. For Simons Eye Ball, you roll it straight and smack it right against the front pin and the one right next to it right when its about to hit em. Never hit the pins in the middle, always hit the side of the front pin you are most likly to get a strike. When ball is rolling Do a HOOK and you'll get a strike.