Robin Hood - Conquests of the Longbow Easter Egg: ----------- If you open the control panel and hit the Sierra button, the game will give you the credits, then inform you that "no guys from Andromeda" partook in the creation of the game, as a reference to Space Quest. Unlimited Gold: --------------- Enter the statistics screen for the first character and pool the gold from the entire party to this individual. Remove this character from the party, then load him again. Pool all of the gold to the next character in the party. Repeat this procedure for all party members, then turn off the computer without saving the game. When the game is reloaded, every character will have an amount of gold equal to that previously pooled by the entire party. Flyswatter: ----------- While wearing the jeweler's disguise, head to the Cobbler's in town. Wait around there for a minute or two, and a fly will appear on the screen. Click the hand on it for a funny message. Bypass Fair Shooting Contest and Final Sequence: ------------------------------------------------ Having trouble with the archery contest during the fair and the final dodging sequence? Simply set the arcade level at bare minimum in the control panel to bypass both events.