Rise of Nations - Thrones and Patriots Cheat Codes: ------------ Update by: Kut Submitted by: conner54 Press [ENTER] while playing then type any of the following cheat codes. Result Code ------------------------------------------------------ Toggle game pause - cheat pause [0 or 1] Set all players to human and full map - cheat sandbox Set AI state - cheat ai [on, off, or debug] Machine guns around every human capital - cheat safe Set difficulty - cheat diff [0-5] Display achievements - cheat achieve Force alliance with nation - cheat ally [name] Force peace with nation - cheat peace [name] Force war with nation - cheat war [name] Force encounter with nation - cheat meet [name] Force encounter-off with nation - cheat unmeet [name] Turn off computer control - cheat human [name] Turn on computer control - cheat computer [name] Defeat nation - cheat defeat [name] Victory for nation - cheat victory [name] Show or change technology - cheat tech[name][tech or all][on or of] Show or change resource - cheat resource [name][goodtype or all] [+ or -][number] Add indicated number of all resources - cheat resource all+[number] Show or change age for nation - cheat age [age][who] Show or change military level for nat. - cheat military [number][who] Show or change civic level for nation - cheat civic [number][who] Show or change commerce level for nat. - cheat commerce [number][who] Show or change science level for nat. - cheat science [number][who] Toggle bounding box mode - cheat bbox [0 or 1] Show combat ranges - cheat ranges [0 or 1] Kill object or all selected - cheat die [name or no entry] Adjust damage to object or all selected - cheat damage [who or no entry][+ or -][number] Insert unit or building at pointer - cheat insert [number][type][who=RED][x,y] Insert unit or building at pointer - cheat add [number][type][who=RED][x,y] Finishes selected building(s) - cheat finish Spawn Wild Bird at pointer location - cheat bird Spawn Nuke at pointer location - cheat nuke Spawn Cruise missile at pointer - cheat add cruise Packs the currently selected unit(s) - cheat pack Deploys the currently selected unit(s) - cheat deploy Toggle full map - cheat reveal [0 or 1] Change game explore configuration - cheat explore [normal, explored, all] Hide Wonders: ------------- If a enemy is building a Wonder that you do not want them to have and you do not need it, enable the cheat add code on the edge of the map. Note: The pointer must be out of bounds. You will get that Wonder out of the level. You cannot see it or select it; you can only see it on the mini map. Easy allies: ------------ When first starting a game, enable the cheat reveal code to show all of the map. Move the pointer to an enemy base and enable the cheat nuke code. This will drop a bomb over the selected area, and the enemy should ask for an alliance. Note: Make sure that you are in "Diplomacy" mode when trying this. More population: ---------------- To make more room for military units, after everything has been researched, kill all of your scholars. You have no use for knowledge now. Faster research: ---------------- When you're playing a quick battle or a campaign, press enter to bring up the chat and type in "cheat keys on" (without the quotes) and press enter. No dialogue should come up. Now just press the following buttons to get exactly what you want. Code Effect -------------------------- ALT + F5 - Gain 1000 of each type of resource ALT + F9 - This either complete finishes the research, building, or unit creation or gives you a significant boost towards creating/researching the selected unit. Unit and building codes: ------------------------ Use one of the following entries with the cheat add code. Unit or building Code --------------------------------------- Continental Rifle Marines - continental Battleship - battle